terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2014

The two things in Churhs

I would like to ask you about two people who, apparently, must be believers, as in all the churches  we have heard of them. I don't know if in each of these churches there are brothers homonyms (with the same name) or if they're always changing of Church. The two are inseparable.

I must confess that I've never seen them personally, but as I said, where I've heard of them. I don't know if some of you have already seen them. But one thing I know: I'm absolutely sure that you have heard of this team. They are: someone told Me and they're saying. Here at the Church in Lins has these two types. Sometimes arrive before the pastor and, with his face to the right expressed "sorrow" Say: Pastor told me, they're saying. Sisters and brothers this is a disgrace in the life of a church. The people that have no idea that line they carry and how when hurt us. This is Satanic. See, I told you had already heard of them?! I have many years of Ministry and always for all the churches that I spent I found that team. I confess that despite so many years of pastoral ministry still feel angry when someone tells me to comment negative something especially about the Church or my Ministry, says: They spoke me, they're saying, they said. Never say the names of who they talked to. It's called gossip, slander. Is the Act of sowing evil in the middle of the community, the body of Christ. This decreases and slows the walk of the Church. Not to mention the sadness that falls upon the heart of anyone who hears. Beloved, there are several verses in the Bible in warning about the slander. Today we will see some of them and I hope God uses your Word to awaken to the danger that this practice brings to the local church. The word that the NT Greek uses for SLANDER is: katalalhw (katalaleo) "talk", "slander". katalalia (katalalia) "slander," "libel". The NT uses this word to describe the "blasphemers" (katalalous) and is among the sins that Paul mentions in Rm 1:30. Are linked to psithyristas, "cochichadores", "detractors", "those who repeat conversations" (v. 29). Paul also mentions katalaliai, "slander" ("Talk against") listed among the sins that Paul fears find in the Church in Corinth (II Co 12:20). This sin can undermine and  destroy the Fellowship of the church going so far as to divide it. Warnings against the Malice:

Jim. 3: 6 " Now,  the tongue is fire: is world of iniquity; the tongue lies between the members of our body, and contaminates the whole body and put on fire the whole career of human existence, as is put herself on fire by hell ".

COMMENT: it is likely that no other Member of the body causes so many evils, so much damage to a life as the tongue. The misuse of this contaminates all the person's life. The sins committed by the litterbug’s spiritual language and all sorts of evils that pollute the person.

The damage caused by unfounded rumors are enormous and sometimes it's hard to reverse the course of events started by a gossip. Delete the "fire" caused by rumors even as difficult as put out the fire in a large forest. False rumors can compromise irreparably an entire existence, causing damage that hurt and injure someone innocent.

Ef 4:31 "away from you all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and yelling, and blasphemies, and all the malice".

COMMENT: Malice  "all kinds of bad feeling". We must refrain from any feeling that lead us to do evil or to speak evil of others.

• Tt 3: 1-2 "reminds them that if subject to the governing authorities; be obedient, to be ready to every good work, don't mislead anyone, not   alters the things, but makes, giving evidence, courtesy towards all men ".

• Jim. 4:11 "elder brothers, speak no evil of each other. He who speaks evil of brother or judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law; Now if you judge the law, you're not an observer of the law, but judge ". COMMENT: only God can judge with absolute justice, because only he has the ability to know all the implications of an event.

When we judge a brother we are taking the place of God giving our own verdict on his spirituality, this thing that fits only to God.

• Jim. 3:11 "can happen to the gushing source of the same place which is sweet and what it is bitter?"

• Mt 12:34 "brood of vipers, how can you talk about good things, being evil? Because the mouth speaks what the heart is full ".

COMMENT: With the same mouth that praise, pray, sing, preach etc. With this same mouth we speak evil of others. James says this is a contradiction. According to Jesus, if our heart is full of good things, our mouths be filled with sweet words, but if we are full of evil to our mouths speaks bitter things. 
• Cl 3: 8 "Now, however, despojai you, also, of all this: anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene language of your talk."
• I Pe 2: 1 "Stripping you of all wickedness and deceit, hypocrisy and envies, and all the luck of some discontent" (IPe 3:10).
• II Ts 3:11 "Because, in fact, we are informed that there are people who walk among you disorderly, working not; before intruding on the lives ".
• I Tm 3:11 "the same luck, when it comes to women, it is necessary that they are reputable, not revilers, temperate, and faithful in everything".
• I Tm 5:13 "Besides learn also to live idle, moving from House to House; and not only idle, chatty and intriguing, still talking what should not. "
COMMENT: Paul is giving a clear profile of the blabbermouths who were disrupting the proper functioning of the Church.
I Pe 4:15 "Don't suffer, though, none of you as a murderer, or thief, or criminal, or as who intrudes on another's business".
COMMENT: Nosy, gossipy.

• Cl 3: 8 "Now, however, you also, of all this: anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene language of your talk."
• I Pe 2: 1 "Stripping you of all wickedness and deceit, hypocrisy and envies, and all the luck of some discontent" (I Pe 3:10).
• II Ts 3:11 "Because, in fact, we are informed that there are people who walk among you disorderly, working not; before intruding on the lives ".
• I Tm 3:11 "the same luck, when it comes to women, it is necessary that they are reputable,  temperate, and faithful in everything".
• I Tm 5:13 "Besides learn also to live idle, moving from House to House; and not only idle, chatty and intriguing, still talking what should not. "
COMMENT: Paul is giving a clear profile of the who were disrupting the proper functioning of the Church. I Pe 4:15 "Don't suffer, though, none of you as a murderer, or thief, or criminal, or as who intrudes on another's business".
COMMENT: Nosy, gossipy.
GOSSIPS: Lv 19:16 "will walk Not as scuttlebutt among the people."
• Pv 13: 3 "what keeps his mouth preserves his soul, but what really opens the lips ruins himself".
COMMENT: may be undoing social, physical, spiritual and financial.
Pv 17: 9 "which covers the transgression acquires love, but what brings it up separates the greatest friends"
COMMENT:   "which covers the transgression acquires love, but what brings it up separates the greatest friends"
Pv 18: 8 "The slanderer's words are sweet bits, which descend to the interior of the womb".
COMMENT: When we, delighted us with gossip about someone, our attitude towards this person could be deeply affected.  A mere whisper of slander may become unforgettable. A duo that combines more than rice and beans, cheese with marmalade, bread and butter etc., is a slanderer and an ear eager to listen to gossip. Nothing can put an end to this pair!
Pv 20:19 "the tale-bearer reveals secrets, therefore don't mess with whoever opens his lips".
COMMENT: Caution! You can be the next victim!
Pv 25: 23 "the North wind brings rain, angry face, fake language".
COMMENT: "Tongue tease": the defames someone, usually, when you're in his presence speaks well of you.
• Pv 26: 17 "Who gets into the question of others is as one who takes a passing dog by the ears."
• Pv26: 20 "Without wood a fire goes out; and, in the absence of a reviler, cease the strife ".
• Sl 101: 5 "to the next, maligns hidden this destroy;".
• II Co 12:20 "I fear therefore, going to you, I find the way that you want, and that you also might find me different than what do you expect, and that there are contentions among you, envy,  Finsen, amusements, gossip (gossip), pride and riots".
These are some of the texts that deal with the subject. However, I would like to submit one, if we look carefully, we will be very useful. "Six things the Lord hates, and the seventh his soul abhors: (1) haughty eyes, (2) tongue liar, (3) hands that shed innocent blood, (4) heart that devises wicked, (5) feet that hurry to run to evil, (6) false witness that speak eth lies, (7) and what they sow strife between the brothers" (Pv 6:16 -19).
The gossip is the most coward to reach a person. Normally, when a rumor reaches the ears of the maligned he is almost impossible to know who originated the gossip. After the feud was seeded, accusations were made that it is very difficult to trace your way back and disprove the rumor with all who heard him.
The worst part is that there are people who delight in carrying on conversations of dubious origin. So those two "people" would arise within the Church. "Tell Me", "they're saying," but nobody knows, or find out, who said who's saying.
Brothers, when we act thus the Bible says that we become abhorrent to our God. And it is no less, because as we have seen the malice is a terrible thing that destroys lives, sow strife, divides churches etc. We should think about this every time you are tempted to take a conversation forward.
I would like to quote a verse from Proverbs: "what begins the election seem fair, until another comes and examines" (18:17). That is, the one that tells us your version of fact seems to be right, but when we know the version of another, usually we see that things are not as well as the first reported. So the wise man before issuing his opinion on some event seeks to see both sides of the issue.
The best way to end a gossip is cut up the slanderer and ask him if he is sure that what you're talking about really is true. If he doesn't know, our duty to our God and to him, as a brother, is to confront him with the word of God. In Matthew 18:15 we read: "If your brother sins against you, go ask him between you and him alone." This is another great way that Jesus taught us to put an end to bad understood that may become a source of gossip, intrigue, some discontent.
That God will help us to be source of pleasure for your blessed person and that of our mouths out words that are "good for edification, as needed, and so communicate grace to those who hear us" (Ef 4:29).
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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