domingo, 6 de outubro de 2013

How's your life with God? (Romans 8:8-9)

Introduction: John Wesley, one of the founders of the Methodist movement, used to ask people who participated of the Methodist movement and to those who said Christians if they had faith. If they answered that Yes I was wondering if you had the grace that comes as the fruit of faith. If they answered Yes wondered if they had the consequent fruits of grace.

The grace of God grants us his holy spirit, which makes us new creatures, pleasant to God; grants us the gifts and anointing to do the work of God; teach us the ways of God and enables us to obey him. Only through the Holy Spirit we can beat our meat and their inclination to sin and the Bible says that He is the assurance of our salvation; in other words, we know that we are saved by the fact that we have the Holy Spirit and he is the one who gives us the power to be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.

We need to have the grace of God. Paul in Romans 8 makes it clear that those who do not have the Holy Spirit is not God. To have this free:

1) You must believe

Many say they believe, but is an empty faith, which does not generate fruits worthy of repentance. The true faith in God leads us to repentance and obedience, which makes us to receive the Holy Spirit (acts 5:32 b). If you don't believe in God so ask him to help you. He will show you what it takes to believe so. Wants to be free? Believe in God.

2) Need to want

Many believe in God, but do not want to change your attitude or lifestyle. To receive the grace we need to be willing to change, because it makes us different people. We want to be what God wanted us to be. Wants to be free?

3) Need to get

The Bible teaches that God gives his Holy Spirit to those who ask. Be sure to get to receive from God the Holy Spirit.

Conclusion: To be God's Holy Spirit. Want to be God? Wants to be free? Want to have the Holy Spirit and the consequent fruits of that experience? I hope so. Amen.

Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva

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