quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2014


My brothers and my sisters would like to talk with you about text above. I have awareness of we live today in a world where every people   think know who Jesus really is in fact, but the persons know less about Jesus. We heard a lot about Jesus. To be a Christian in many places of the world means to belong to a political party. Party. Strange thing because Jesus never implied such a thing in his speeches and teachings. The point is that for many follow Jesus is the same as after an ideological culture, a philosophy, or even a Theosophy. But Jesus is not that He is a person of the Holy Trinity and follow him is follow to a person and not something anyone. But it gets even more complicated when we enter the world "religious" or so spent taking care of things of faith. Lamentably people know very little about who Jesus is and in many cases even within churches do not know next to nothing about the beloved Lord. Usually know what they want to know or try to adapt Jesus to concepts and prejudices or what they imagine it to be. In this case follow the "Jesus" that invent and, thinking be following the Jesus truly, but they follow true theological aberrations. But by now I know you are already questioning: Pastor what to do to recognize Jesus truly and not what they say He is or they think? Let's the biblical text. A visit the  another and the two are waiting a baby. Isabel that receives the visit is pregnant for six months, from John Baptist and Maria that is making visit pregnant, of Jesus Christ. There is a greeting by Maria and John Baptist shudders in the womb of Isabel, did acknowledge that he was in the womb of Mary, the Lord Jesus Son of God Most High. Here the Evangelist uses a term little used in the Gospels: possessed. luk says: Isabel became possessed by the Holy Spirit cried out with a loud voice (she screamed) see the name to a fetus of my Lord saying from whence comes that I come visit the mother of my Lord? Brothers and sisters is exactly here in this point we realized who we do to recognize that Jesus in fact is and where he is. John in the womb still a fetus recognizes, of course, that was by the Holy Spirit. Isabel calls without to doubt of my Lord. This recognition was also Spirit by the Evangelist says that the same focused possessed at the time.

Dearly beloved and dear sisters I'm sure today in the midst of so many "Jesuses" according to the conveniences of each group or each one we become full of the Holy Spirit so that we can recognize that in fact is the real, the Son of the highest God, the Lord, the Savior the world. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit whatever passes as being Jesus. (We need it) Therefore on Mt. 7:15 -23 Jesus  says us about false prophets that that day will argue before the Lord Jesus saying they did so many things in his name. Jesus tells us, So tell clearly: never I knew you. Depart from me those who practice the iniquity.

The fake ones are in the middle of the true and saying to the same things, but with different purposes. But the Spirit in us always gives us giving us conditions to distinguish one thing from another, and   we know who is “Jesus” or Jesus. Seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in these times of so much deception (deception) Because no way we will recognize Jesus and we live in Him and with him Hallelujah! Amen.

Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.


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