sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2015


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to reflect with you on our knowledge that God is working in all or all things so that finally we are blessed. I have spoken a lot about it in my preaching. Speak always of A God which often does not solve the problem, but it solves in the problem. I wouldn't know unless you tell me as you are now, what are the problems you have at the moment. But I certainly have a lot of problems. I also have it. But I let God fill my soul with your presence. That was the message I posted earlier on the internet. The fact that we know that God is working on everything that happens or is happening to us and that gives us peace of mind and security, because he knows everything about us. The text says that all things work together for our good. In the original the word is talaborium which means working. Or be: In everything that is happening to us God is working so that finally results in a well for us.
Like I said I wouldn't know unless you tell me what's going  with you. (how are you) Can be a problem of illness, financial, relationships, work or lack of work. But God knows and he is in and control right now and work on the situation. Don't worry because god may be entering the lives of you to resolve the problem. Or be: despite the problem. Amen?!

Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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