quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to meditate with you   above the theme under. Let's see what the psalmist tells us. God won't let's embarrass and even our enemies shall be upon us. Normally we have fear of being embarrassed. But if we trust in God are for him honored. We do not need to be worried not to get embarrassed or be humiliated. That's why our cause in the hands of the Lord. He is our righteousness. What we need to do is trust our lives to him, to live in communion and intimacy with the Lord. I'm not in favor of false theology that God will take of the wicked and pass for me for I'm his servant. Don't. God won't do it because he doesn't need to take anyone to honor his sons. He does it again and gives us. As for the wicked and same psalmist recommends in Psalm 37 we didn't envy them. This false theology urges people to they covet to what is in the hands of an unbeliever and claim for themselves. Is totally wrong because God has as its benefit without using this expedient. In fact, as servants and the sons of God we are blessed and blessed to be servants and handmaidens of God. Otherwise does not exist. The blessings of Lord are already ours. He doesn't have to take anything else to give us. I say that because I've been following preaching, if that can be called

the preaching of the word. Can be preaching, but not the word of God. Pointing to that side. Claim so: is in the hands of the wicked? God will take them and put in your hands. However, this is not true and has no biblical basis and no theological basis. But nowadays are preaching what they come to mind. Talk about The blessings of Lord are already ours. All kinds of lies and the unwary people swallow like truths. This theology is the theology of prosperity and their preachers at the bottom, really want is prosperity itself. God is the blessed and won't let us ashamed. Isn't he borrower of things of sinners to bless us with these things. As I said above, He has original things for us. Hallelujah! You don't have to take anyone. So we need to raise our heads and scream out to the Lord, as the Psalm in the agenda. "I raise my soul and cry" "my God I trust in you" we have to trust in the power of God and rest. The wicked shall treacherously say the text read. But the same text says that all who hope in the Lord will not be ashamed. Embarrassed, says the text, are they who shall treacherously (end of verse three). The servant of God are assured that they will be always honored by God. See the story of Mordecai in the book of Esther. Look what happened to him in terms of being honored by the Lord. Also notice what happened with who  the ultrajava and finally was trying to kill him. God honored the Mordecai and  Amam would be come  hanged on the gallows that he had prepared to kill Mordecai. But he has to call the Mordecai to receive before him the honor to God through the King had given his. Hallelujah! That's how God deals with those who are faithful. Him the honor. The Bible says, God did  we for a little less than God, and of glory and honor have crowned us. Never mind the things they say and what they do against you. Pray for these people and rely increasingly in God. You are the exclusive property of God. No one can destroy it or destroy you. You're not simply any human being. You're a son or a daughter of God. And God takes very good care of you. He will honor us my sister or my brother rest in the Lord and in the strength of his power. I couldn't tell you how you are feeling as you read this meditation. But God knows while I write and it's for you what he's talking about. He really won't allow their sons to suffer humiliation. The sons of God shall not be ashamed, but will be honored. I remember now of Jose from Egypt. His siblings were jealous of him. And in a plot mean the selling as a slave to merchants of Egypt. In Egypt he suffered everything including sexual harassment from the part of the wife of the King. Went to the bottom of a prison. But God is faithful to the honored with the position of Governor of Egypt. Hallelujah! Praise be to God!

Can be treacherously against us. Can invent all sorts of shit plot against us. God frees us. The word says that God in Christ always leads us in triumph. But I insist: he doesn't need to take of the wicked to grace us. His blessing is already ours. We are heirs of God and heirs with Christ. So let us raise our souls to the Lord and scream out. Always say: My God in whom I trust. Amen.

Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.


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