terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

PASTORAL WORD: faith (Hebrew, 11:1)

My brothers and my sisters today I would like to reflect with you on faith. But pastor this meditation is constantly made in all media evangelicals, Catholics, etc. Yes. But I ask you: people have really faith? And we? We know what it really is to have faith? I believe that before we continue talking about faith, have faith and so on need to do let us consider the faith. OK? Come on. There is a natural faith. That everyone has. A person goes out in BR 153 and take the East she knows 70 km. after, will come to Marilia. She really believes it. Someone teaches you the street and the house number. To reach there you believe is that home, unless you were taught wrong. You, unless you have had a mental disorder, you know that you are yourself. You know you exist. It is to have faith. But this kind of faith is natural. Something very different is to have faith in God. First because no one sees. Starts here our difficulty. We have to see the unseen. But what do you mean? By faith. Faith in God is to see what you can't see, I'd say that we're talking about something supernatural. The true faith is and leads us to believe in the supernatural. Really believe that? Or we believe only in what we can see them play, listen, and so on. It would be faith? In my understanding. Abram is regarded as the father of faith. He never had any reference to faith. But believed in God. Many times we were intrigued to not happen to us what happened to the men of the Bible. What would have happened? Where's the problem? No doubt the issue is lack of faith. Jesus made that very clear to say: If you have faith as a grain of mustard not only do what was done to the fig tree, but will say to this mountain: rise here and dashes you at sea, he will obey. Jesus says: preach the Gospel, "heal the sick, cast out demons, raise dead". Do we do that? But we found a number of justifications which are actually things we invented not to admit that we don't have enough faith. Because this is the real reason. We lack faith. Let's go to the Bible text basis of our reflection. Faith is what? How to tell us the text of Hebrews? The text says he is sure of things hoped for. What does the word sure. Sure is: quality of what is right. Exact knowledge. Persuasion, conviction. Stability, security. Categorical assertion; summon. Objective and subjective thing at the same time. Who has faith while waiting for something has that feeling. To he still was seen nothing yet. But has security in what awaits. Don't wait without hope, but convinced that actually will be as expected. When you wait with faith it is expected with certainty. As we waited something by faith we know that it's really going to happen. It's okay, it's safe. Will be the same. The text also says that faith is the belief that facts are not. Practically an extension of the previous. As we have faith we are convinced of facts that we don't see. I didn't see it, but I am convinced that it will be as well as I believe. I speak here of things pertaining to God and us. Our relationship with God happens within the field of faith. Everything here is a matter of faith. This is why we see the philosophers atheists who rationalize everything rationalizing faith and eventually find that God is a joke and it's not real. The Bible says: Without faith it is impossible to please God. There is no other way of relating to God except by faith. When we have faith all things are possible. Not that we think that way, but we believe in a God who can do all things, and for whom there are no impossible. Everything from the human point of view are saying no, but I keep believing in God sim.
Dear things will change for us to really guide ourselves our lives by faith. We will pray and wait the answer of God. He didn't forget any detail of our requests. God just does not respond when you don't want to because he knows what is best for us or when our demands are outside the center of his will.
We need to pray with faith. Believe in the supernatural. Jesus told Peter when this would find him walking upon the waters: Man of little faith. Why doubt? He also said the Tome after Resurrection: Blessed are those who have not seen to believed.
When we drive by faith we force the things that are yet to come and we can see things that are invisible. Faith calls the existence of what the human eye does not yet exist. Have faith and live assured that God will provide what we asked in sincere prayer. Think of the words of Jesus that say: If ye shall ask in prayer believing you've received so it will be with you. (. 21:22) Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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