sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014


Matthew 16.24
II Corinthians 5.17;
Romans 3.23; Ephesians 2.12;
Jeremiah 17.9; Genesis 6.5;
15.19 Matthew; Colossians 1.21;
Ecclesiastes 12.14; II Cor. 5.21;
Romans 5.8; Romans 4.25; Hebrews 7.25;
Exodus 19.6; Leviticus 11.44;
19.2 Leviticus, Leviticus 20.6-7
17.6 acts;

"Follow peace with all and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord.."
(Hebrews 12.14).

The Gospels present us with a way of life, totally different from what is presented in our days. While the world tells us that: "we have to be ourselves," "follow the path", "short", etc. Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow him (Matthew 16.24).
This Christian journey we learn that the resignation is imperative for sanctification.

Understanding that sanctification is the "shed" of Christ within us, nothing that we do can produce sanctification by more goodwill that exists. Only God in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit is who can completely change. Sanctification is not simply behavioral change is change of character. This change is radical and cannot occur if we are full of ourselves (II Corinthians 5.17).

2) the path of SANCTIFICATION
Before we are in Christ had not the holiness that is the glory of God (Romans 3.23; Ephesians 2.12, "without God"). Our heart was deceitful (Jeremiah 17: 9) which drove our imagination to produce thoughts that were continually evil (Genesis 6.5). In such a heart has our evil works (15.19 Matthew; Colossians 1.21). God judge a man by his works (Ecclesiastes 12.14) and thus, the man has no hope. This is the condition of man without Christ.
Christ makes a difference in the relationship between God and man. Note that the fundamental point of this relationship is a person-Christ-and not a man or a work of an ordinary man. Christ, without sin was made sin (II Cor. 5.21) in place of the man. Thus, died in time for sinners (Romans 5.8) but was resurrected for the justification of sinners (Romans 4.25) and thus lives forever and intercedes for the sinners who come to God by him (Hebrews 7.25).

the) is the work of God.
The effort does not solve, Russol Shedd wrote:
"The victory over the forces of evil, which dominates our personality, by default the spirit is conquered when we deliver the reins of our life to him who lives in us. Walking in the spirit means striving to we submit to him who obeys the captain of the army ".
God does not accept the legalistic effort that Christian do to achieve Holiness. Sanctification is the result of the work of men and God. Just catch it if you really want and seek. Only by your effort, but the man can never reach it.

Read Leviticus 20.8 and respond: Who sanctifies us? Yes it is God who sanctifies us.
Just trust in divine grace since everything that God offers us benefits us by grace. The fact that we can't be Saints by our own efforts should not lead us to apathy. It is necessary to seek the assistance of the Holy Spirit; It is necessary to we torture our own will; There is a need for a vital Union with Christ in order that there is progress on the path to sainthood. This is what you believe?

b) Receiving the call (listening to the word of truth).
The process of sanctification has its beginning when we believe that sanctification is the desire of the heart of God. We are called to be saints. We need to listen and meditate on the word of God, because it will lead us on the path to Sainthood.
The sanctification must provide in us a desire to know more of the Lord. This meet comes through his word. Those who read the Bible with the desire to know the Lord and, knowing him, praise him, will receive the necessary aid to despise the world with ever-increasing effectiveness and subdue the flesh. For sure not achieve sanctification if there is an immutable commitment to us with the word of the Lord. It is necessary to have recourse to it in every moment of our lives. She is the manual, the compass, the regulation, the sword, the food that will enable the faithful to know the mind of God and live the Holy life, separated for the exclusive use of the Lord. What is your commitment to Bible dear disciple?

c) Believing what God says
"Follow peace with all and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12.14.
Wesley says that sanctification consists in recovering the image of God in man, identifying as the "mind of Christ", which is also compared with the love.
For Wesley, sanctification is possible only for the Act of faith. We need to believe in the fact that in Christ becomes not only possible to holiness, but a lifetime of intimate communion with the Lord. This life in the presence of God and with God not only develops in the personal experience of each moment; are necessary for certain forms of
community life, to promote and retain this life.

d) Resigning to obey God
What is Holiness and how we get it? Biblical Holiness comes from a Greek word that means basically: "a separate life for God". A person cannot have a life and Holy conduct while trying to hold on with one hand and God to the world with the other. A Holy life is the one who has surrendered completely to God. Does not mean that the person to be perfect. Simply, it means that she gave her life to God and is in the process of being perfected.
The sanctity of life, in fact, begins with her in seeking and continues with us seeking it. Holiness is a process that begins at the time of conversion. When the spirit of Christ comes into our hearts, the Holiness comes along, because his spirit is the Holy Spirit. This is where the process begins – the conformity to the image of Christ. Is a lifelong process.

Not only salvation, but salvation in holiness. For this purpose was that God chose us and called us. We have not only security in Christ, we have sanctity in it. This must be the understanding of every Christian
We have the word of God, not just the certainty or security of salvation, but of sanctity. The Christian who thinks his salvation only consists of security and not in Holiness, have committed a grave mistake. Christians listen to the word of God: to be saints.
I must be Holy? Because that's what God calls us to "saints", and challenges us to a way of walking in accordance with It. We must be in accordance with the word of God. We must have the same available to the heart of God. Be short of this is not understand nor rely entirely on Grace and enabling of God.  (Exodus 19.6; Leviticus 11.44; Leviticus 19.2; Leviticus 20.6-7).
The sanctification provides an opportunity for a better and more profound communion with God. Because the walk from sanctification, we left many things behind, on the understanding that God is our greatest pleasure.
Life in Holiness also leads us to social involvement aimed at changing society where we operate (17.6 Acts).

We believe it is possible to live in holiness in our present day. As John Wesley stated that Holiness and love are aspects of the same work of God in us. Love and Holiness are poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When you love the Lord does not become difficult or impossible to split everything what you don't like. Amen.
Reverend Jesué Francisco da Silva

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