quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to meditate with you about knowing God. But we still don't know the Evangelical God? In principle Yes, but not always practice no. What do you mean? Be in a church and actively participating in its programs and have no knowledge at God?! It is not possible. Answer this is not possible. But it is possible Yes. Jesus had his disciples and the crowds. The disciples were the closest group of Jesus. Were those whom Jesus taught so that they transmit his teachings to others? But the crowds Jesus didn't trust such a task. The crowds have a superficial knowledge of God and of the things related to him. There is no intimacy between God and the crowds though. But God love them. All people are objects of God's love. But it is not all really close to God and have all a commitment with God. Within our churches we see that often. But pastor how do I know if a person is actually a disciple of Christ or just a follower, part of crowds? There may be other ways to discover it. But the most efficient is to note what type of action and especially of people's reaction. The disciple of Jesus acts as his master. Again here I remember the book In your steps, what would Jesus do? Does Jesus in my place would do things like I'm doing? Generally are a lot ourselves. Our "I" is always in evidence. We have a way of being and not make the slightest effort to change even though this way even though we're harming others. Jesus loved  the world, the others. There is in Jesus no attitude that demonstrates selfishness or self-centeredness.


The Bible tells us that he being like God didn't have this for the usurpation to be as to God, but he humbled himself going to death and death cross. In other words, Jesus Christ out of love for me and you if emptied of his glory coming to us. So my brothers and my beloved sisters so we know if someone is in Christ, just look at their behavior. How the person who says to be in Christ? She is or is not maybe, ... with your Christ. I think we've all heard the famous phrase from Gandhi to address a Christian: I love your Christ, but I hate your Christianity. This means: your Christ is good. But you are far from being equal to him. We are working in the Church Discipleship. But the strong emphasis of this program that is old, because it is the order of Jesus expressed in Mt. 28: 18-20 "go and make disciples" of Jesus is to testify.


Without testimony there is no how to make disciples. Dear I ask here: what are you talking about those people who hear us say that we know the Lord, that we are followers of Christ. Are in simple things and we don't we imagined, but they're watching us. So if our life is not equal to life of Jesus these our observers never will believe in Jesus that we preach.


That's why I read Hosea 6: 1-3. For we know the God we must approach him. God cannot be a possibility. God has to be real and our relationship with him also. Darlings and dear let's be honest. Our behavior, our conduct, our words, the way we deal with situations and with people  recommend us? Would Jesus do things the way we've been doing? Answer to the way people have answered. How would make Jesus?


God is Merciful. I'm sure that if we seek him of heart and saying, Lord dear, changes our life. I want to be a faithful servant. I want to be a Christian  in the true meaning of the term. The Lord will hear us, will forgive our sins and we will be what tells us Ac. 1: 8, witnesses. But a witness who does not know that about who a witness they have with him a full intimacy. Our relationship with God must obey an order growing. The line needs to be always in arising, rising. Darlings and dear let’s not be those who are satisfied with a little God and settle. Let’s want more, always more




of God. We have a hymn in the hymnal that Evangelical says: more of Christ I want to have ... More, more of Christ.


As nobody can give what you don't have we can only give God if we have it in our hearts. We know well the God and divulge to others making disciples. Let's not allow our conduct demonstrates that we don't have intimacy with God and yeah we are intimate, friends. Amen. Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva

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