quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015



My brothers and my sisters I think deliver God problems is not a big deal. But trust that it will resolve is very difficult. Why do you say that? I speak because I can see and happens to me in many situations, that even having placed a situation in the hands of God we can't rest. However, if no rest is because we are not secure and if we're not sure it's because I don't trust enough for us we will tranquilize certain that God simply knows and can do all things, and will resolve with wisdom. Hallelujah! When we believe our life is be and without threats. In other words, we become insured persons. Even when we ask God one thing and everything around it, the circumstances say no, We keep hearing by faith, God's Yes. I believe that the word of Jesus that says when you ask believing that already receive so it will be with you. How extraordinary! Ask believing that we've ever had. I'd call that ask with faith. Ask and ask with faith is another. In our lives we all have many requests. We have applications that are several we have placed in the hands of God and always there is that special request. But we can't forget that none of them are beyond the reach of God. For God to hear a request our just that is at the center of his will and to do it with faith. Believing that we've ever had. I at all times that dared to try do so, in other words, ask and be believing positively in reply to God he responded positively. Glory to his name!
I speak of troubleshooting wants health, relationships, financial and many others. Dear and dearest when we pray to God is necessary to us to know that we are simply talking to the creator of all things visible and invisible in the whole universe. Therefore even if there is still that we are asking, wherever and whatever way He creates and we gives the answer. But He responds. That certainty is outlined in Hebrews. 11:1. See about pray believing that we've ever had in Matthew. 11:24. In my view only something does we don't get what we want: when our demands are outside the center of the will of God. The Bible calls that ask for evil. (James 4:3). We must also note that the word everything as in the case of Matthew. 6 where Jesus says that receive all that we ask is related to what we need for our survival. In the case of the sermon on the mount would be food, drink and clothing. Are things you should consider before we put our faith in doubt.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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