quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2016


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to do a meditation with you over and above question. We really question: but where is the Kingdom of God? For you who read me now where is the Kingdom of God? What is your concept of God's Kingdom? I know it's very hard to think of a Kingdom without thinking of a physical space, in one place. A Kingdom has in itself the idea of people, people and also a space where these people can inhabit. Then, to imagine that soon we were thinking of a place. That's why we transport to a particular place, the Kingdom of God. Of course, this idea is also correct. We don't know where it is and not what it's really like this place. But we know it exists and some people even have been there in life: are Enoch and Elias. These men were caught up in life. Not through physical death. Paul said that was snatched up to the third heaven. Then there are the first and the second, at least. So because Jesus would be here taking this idea? In fact Jesus isn't emptying this idea. Jesus is saying that the Kingdom of God is greater than that and not only there, but the Kingdom of God before being a place, a physical space is a spiritual state. The Kingdom of God is a way of being and living. The Kingdom of God is a deep feeling of the presence of God within us. It's good to note that Jesus uses the two words, "within" and "in". Inside means that the Kingdom is really inside of me and you. The reign (Basel), the entire domain and the lordship of Christ are inside us. But all this also is in each of us. Or be: our lives reflect the qualities of someone who has something different. We have something inside of us, but also have it in us. We have the Kingdom of God. I would say that the Kingdom of God is lifestyle. The Kingdom is not only a place to where I'm going, but a thing that ever entered me and I live. So, before we go to the Kingdom as a place it is necessary that this Kingdom in terms of lifestyle, way of being has been for us. In other words, before we enter the Kingdom of God is necessary for the Kingdom of God among us and be with us. It has no visible appearance. So Jesus says: the Kingdom of God is not coming with visible appearance. Reread the biblical text of Luke. In the Gospel of John chapter 14, verse 6 Jesus says: no one comes to the father but by me. See the direction of motion of the verb. Is come and don't go. But Jesus had not yet ascended to the father. Yes. But the father was in him. With these words He is saying anyone who wants to come to the father will have to watch rather than go. Now if you draw near to God would come into his Kingdom, in the event that the Kingdom was in Jesus. IE: where would we go Daddy was in Jesus. That's why the word "come to Daddy" it reinforces the idea of Kingdom of heaven or of God like State of life. It's a way of living. Is a way of experiencing life. It's a way to feel God within us. So many people can't feel God and not have him as a real person. Because they are always seeking out and not feeling this God within themselves. The reality of God see the feelings, finds himself with the soul, with the psyche and not with the physical eyes. It is said that the Director of a seminary for the training of pastors used to take in all the end of year one atheist philosopher to speak to young seminarians about God. Of course this would philosopher to assert that God didn't exist. He was going to that place ready to try and convert believers in God on atheists. Once as he spoke a Lord from the sticks, humble you had a son there listened side eating a big Apple. Time after time the Lord gave a bite at the Apple causing an uncomfortable noise with his teeth. Finished all the Lord asked tom Hick: Dr. I like had my Apple? The philosopher replied, could only wonder if I'd tried. Mr Hick said Dr. doesn't know who is God because God has never experienced in my life. To know who is God and that there is need to live it. Everyone was amazed at the simple practice of redneck.

I wish all who read me in this meditation would be with a workshop about the Kingdom of God. Where is the Kingdom of God? It is within in you. Not there or there or there. It is within each of us. Hallelujah!
The Kingdom of God is his Holy presence in each one of us. Holy presence that also sanctifies. So who has the Kingdom of God is holy. He even says: be holy because I am Holy. (1 Peter, 1:16).
I'm going to repeat a phrase I always use in my preaching: That the Kingdom of God does not enter here never enter it later.
When people are living a pain here in this world they say my life is hell. Don't they? Well. Let's live a State of enjoyment to say also: my life is Heaven, a paradise.  Yes, Paradise can be here and now. Kingdom of God is a matter of quality life. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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