quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2016


My sisters and my brothers today I would like to meditate with you on the subject that many are not worried, but it's a very serious matter. Jesus is coming back. The word of God is full of promises and between those promises is that Jesus will come back to your church. This return of Jesus is called the Rapture because everything will happen very quickly. Is actually a kidnapping of the Church and of all those who lived according to the principles of the word of God. The big problem is that many do not believe in the word of the Lord or are skeptical about an event of such importance. The science at all levels try to undo the biblical statements putting questions. The theory of relativity States a simple theory as something definitive, final and finished. But it's not just theory theory. Is a probability theory. That's all. The philosophy takes questions on what the Bible says certain leading men to incredulity or skepticism. Philosophers generally say that God is a being that man invented as if the human mind were able to invent everything, even the one who created it. Of course there are many believers who are firm in their convictions. But many are living in torment of doubts and deal all the time with these "demons" of which can't be free. But Jesus says: "How were the days of Noah are also the days of the son of man. In the days of Noah were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the Ark, and the flood came and took them all "Noah preached all the time saying that God was going to destroy the Earth with water (Rain). Not believed. Thought Noah was nuts and that God would never do that. Is that the wickedness of the human being reached so much that God regretted making man. Only Noah and his family left. Nowadays it's not different. Human evil is scary. But although science try to divert the focus, saying that the Earth will be destroyed by pollution, by a cataclysm, by a collision with a meteorite, by the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic poles that will not happen. God himself promised that he would never destroy the Earth with water. Fire Yes. But after the Rapture. Peter says that the abrasados elements if they consume away. The elements are that make up the Earth. But at this point those and those which are of Christ will be with him in eternal glory. It would be very interesting to leave to look for aberrations that phony science says and we relied more on the promises of the word of God. He is real. Unfortunately many will only believe it when it happened. It will be too late!
Because I'd be writing about it for the Church? The Church believes in everything the Bible says. Or not? Believes. But the Church of Jesus has placed everything in a certain relativity. Have left the values governing the world enter its doors and its members often live in accordance with concepts of the world lies in the evil one. We need to wake up. We need to be alert about the day of the Lord. The Lord is coming back. Just look at how is the world to see the signs that Jesus pointed out as being the end going on continuously. With all that many believers in Christ are not noticing. Can't see that Jesus is at the gates. Let scientific theories aside and stay firm on the promises of the word and God.
Theories are theories. Are not closed issues. Do not have any definite plans, ready. Are only probabilities. That's all. We have no way to give a probability with a sure thing. But science insists. Including giving the planet Earth an age that they actually don't know. Are fossils and stipulate the age of these so-called animals almost always with over 65 million years. Time escapes our capacity to imagine and talk as if they were truths of the day yesterday. The theory of evolution. Nothing but a theory and claim for granted. We know that this theory does not stand up to the argument of the creation of God. When we entered the philosophical world is the same thing. Anything to divert people's attention from the promises of the word of God. And between those promises is the blunt promise of Christ will return to Rapture, wash of sudden way his Church of this world. As I don't believe in the word of God and know that something should come after, they try to make these arrangements to try to escape the final judgment. But as the days of Noah will not escape. No one will escape. We are all prepared and ready. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva

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