My brothers and my sisters today I would like to reflect with you on tiredness and where we can rest. At first let's talk a little bit about the tiredness. What would be the tiredness? We would say that is a State of saturation in which many times we meet after we are subjected to great efforts. Our body gets to a point where I can't stand more. We were transshipped, super loaded or full of something. We can say that fatigue is the same as exhaustion. We all know what it means to be exhausted. Fatigue is that, be exhausted. The tiredness exists at various levels or in various modes and sectors in our lives. We have the physical exhaustion that is the State of physical exhaustion. Or be: Our body may be over loaded. We want to walk, but our legs wouldn't support more. We have cramps, pain, etc. and it all makes the sequence of our walk. The steps are becoming shorter and, if we insist there will come a time when we can till we drop even. We can come to the floor. No, not anymore. There are also mental tiredness. This is more complicated. He is in our minds that can also be over loaded and exhausted. But that kind of fatigue cannot be removed only with a shower and a few hours of sleep. The physical Yes. But the mental no. The process may even have the same name. For example, relaxation. In the two cases cited it is necessary that the relaxation exercise to achieve the rest. The body need to relax physically. And in the mind? Too. Only the mind that relaxation is more difficult, because it is more complex and profound mental fatigue. So also requires an exercise in mind or mind. This tiredness does not pass with a shower and a few hours of sleep. On the contrary, we not to get sleep in many cases. But it is fatigue. And if we push without seeking rest might even faint. The mental exhaustion is dangerous and can wash the imbalance and compromising decompensation. Obviously bringing consequences for the body. We are integral beings. Things work together in us.
For all the types of
tiredness is needed the rest. But the home side in many cases, the treatment.
The two types of fatigue causing injuries and these injuries must be treated.
It is not enough to only remove the symptoms but have to after we make it, we
treat the injuries that were in us. Both in body and in mind. But we're not
just body soul (mind). We are also spirit. And now? The spirit also get tired?
I think Yes. I read a book once titled: Spiritual Breakdown. In it the author
said we can get to the point we burn all our spiritual energy. No doubt that
tiredness is worse than the physical and the mental. In spiritual things are
even more complicated and there is no one who can penetrate this field unless
God, when we allow him in. But I would say that in being integral beings the
spirit also causes fatigue damage in other areas of our lives.
So the psalmist's call to
rest in God. God knows all areas of our lives and can restore them fully. In
Mat. 11:28 -29 Jesus makes an invitation to all that if you feel tired and
overworked. He says come to me all of these. Whoever comes will find rest for
your souls. Whatever the type of fatigue the rest is in Christ. The word rest
means removal of tiredness. We don't have to worry about the things that led to
exhaustion at any level is. The important and seek rest in God.
Are you tired my brother?
Are you tired? Good. Physically you already know what to do. But if it is mental
or spiritual God only is the solution. Search rest in God. Get on the lap of
God and rest happy. He bless you and bless you to be people without overloads
resting forever in God. Amen.
Rev. Jesué
Francisco da Silva.
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