My brothers
and my sisters I would like to meditate with you today about the theme above,
because we still see some sort of prejudice about the same.
John Wesley, founder of Methodism in the
eighteenth century began this work after the experience he had with the Holy
Spirit in your life. He had difficulty dealing with the name that would give
this experience so profound and powerful in your life and in the lives of
others that have had, are having and will have in the future. Wesley now
called Spiritual Baptism, Baptism with the Holy Spirit and other times of inner testimony of the
spirit. But always recognized that there was a change and that this
experience had a name. For many years only the so-called
"Pentecostal" dealt with it. The historic churches had many
difficulties to work the concept of Baptism with the Holy Spirit. There was
some prejudice about the idea and these churches (Historical) have an
election lagging behind and even spoke about the issue in the
Biblical/Theological point of view. It is natural that not seeking knowledge
about a subject so deep as this people or Churches get lost and without
anyone knowing their real importance in people's lives and communities. I
believe that this has also led the so-called "traditional" to do
various kinds of criticism to "Pentecostal" and it spawned a
distancing of the groups and the mutual insults instead of seeking growth in communion what would have
undoubtedly been a very rich experience. Lived in discomfort. But Wesley in
his time has acted differently. Looking for reading and studying everything
he could on the subject and had with the Moravians (a charismatic group) a
very close relationship and this led him later to embrace the cause defended
by them, namely: the spirit-filled life and the pursuit of Holiness. The
coming of the Holy Spirit over Wesley wasn't something by accident and sudden
even without that he had sought. Wesley sought intensively a life of full
communion with God through the holy spirit that he knew theologically, but
didn't know in practice. Only from the day May 24, 1738 on Aldersgate Street
in an informal meeting headed by a layman Wesley lived intensely the
experience with the Holy Spirit. However the biggest evidence that he now was
really transformed were the lives that accept Christ when they hear his word
filled with the Holy Spirit and fire of God. Nobody could hear Wesley and
carry on regardless. Something was happening. God now spoke really in the
mouth of John Wesley. His sermons are
no longer theoretical and went on to be the voice of God that changed people.
The love which came to feel for souls was lost which cannot be mistaken. All
that Wesley only knew of theoretical form about God and his relationship with
sinners became practical, real, and alive. We Methodists know the Baptism
with the Holy Spirit in this manner. Why still today they called it holy
baptism too.
I praise God because the Methodist Church
rediscovered this great truth and returned to its origins. We cannot accept
that someone wanted to make the open of God as God wants it to be made
without this Sanctifying Baptism. It would be impossible. We can even work
well planned and organized, but the souls will never surrender to Christ and
our speech becomes tiresome and monotonous. We can preach about communion at
all times in our pulpits. But there will be.
communion between our people without this baptism with the Holy spirit and
with fire.
What such time has taken our communities for
discussion on the topic and to reject the idea was the evidence of Baptism.
What would be the evidence of receiving the Baptism with the Holy Spirit? The
"Pentecostal" said to be speaking in strange tongues. The
"historical" rejected that thesis. The problem is how to escape the
"traditional" always used the biblical text of 1 Cor. 13 where Paul speaks that could
speak the tongues of men and of angels, but without love would be like the
clanging Bell and would have no value. But Paul is not against the gift of
tongues and against the gift yourself without love. Was what was happening in
the Church of Chorints in those days. That's why Paul regulates the cults in
chapter 14 where it says that in the case of someone speaking in other
tongues that speak two or when many three and one after the other and that
there is an interpreter so that the Church may receive edifying.
Why? Because I was going on a tremendous
disorder. One began to speak in tongues and suddenly everyone was talking
about and the cult was turning around one of the gifts of the spirit. But
nobody can deny that in the Bible there are cases in which the evidence of
the coming of the Holy Spirit has
been speaking in other languages. Let's go to the texts; Acts 19: 1-7. Paul
after passing by the higher regions arrives at Ephesus and encounters a group
of enthusiastic disciples and ask them if they had received the Holy Spirit
when you believed. The who responded; We've never even heard that there is
the Holy Spirit. After that question in that Baptism had been they baptized
and knowing it was the baptism of John Paul explains to the baptized in the
name of the Lord Jesus. After imposing his hands on them and the Holy Spirit
is poured. What happened? Those men were speaking in other languages and to
predict. It's pretty clear here that in this case the evidence was the
languages and prophecies. Go back a bit to Chapter 10 of acts and see the
episode in the Home of Cornelius. See from verse 44 what happens when Peter
is talking about.
The text says that while Peter talked about the
Holy Spirit fell on all that hear the word, for they heard them speaking in
tongues and magnify God. Whereupon Peter orders that are baptized because
they The text says that while Peter talked about the Holy Spirit fell on all
that hear the word, for they heard them speaking in tongues and magnify God.
Whereupon Peter orders that are baptized because they had received the Holy
Spirit with them (of circumcision) that accompanied the Peter. See also the
chapter eight of acts from the verse 14 to 17. The thing was so evident that Simon was envied and wanted to
buy this gift with money, because the two sent imposed hands on people and
they received the Holy Spirit. You ask me: Pastor, but what about the
evidence? I would answer: it was immediate. There was no time for people to
demonstrate with their lives, what had happened. Everything was seen at the
time. This text begins by saying that the brothers Peter and John were sent
to Samaria because the people were receiving the word of God and the
believers were increasing, but the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of
them. They were on a mission to pray for everyone to receive the Holy Spirit.
Brothers like watching it indifferent? Question time that a lot of people it
takes to realize that Biblical truth
Start the new
year thinking firmly in a community full of faith, love and seeking the
Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rev. Jesué
Francisco da Silva.
sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013
Mis hermanos y mis hermanas me
gustaría meditar con ustedes hoy sobre el tema anterior, porque seguimos viendo
a algún tipo de perjuicio sobre la misma.
Wesley, fundador del metodismo en el siglo XVIII comenzó este trabajo después
de la experiencia que tuvo con el Espíritu Santo en tu vida. Tenía dificultad
para enfrentar el nombre que le daría esta experiencia tan profunda y poderoso
en tu vida y las vidas de otros han tenido, tienen y tendrán en el futuro.
Wesley ahora llamado bautismo espiritual, bautismo con el Espíritu Santo y
otras veces de testimonio interior del espíritu. Pero siempre reconoció que
hubo un cambio y que esta experiencia tenía un nombre. Durante muchos años sólo
los llamados "pentecostales", han lidiado. Las iglesias históricas
tuvieron muchas dificultades para trabajar el concepto del bautismo del
Espíritu Santo. Hubo algunos prejuicios acerca de la idea y estas iglesias
(histórica) tienen una elección a la zaga y ni siquiera hablaban sobre el tema
en su punto de vista bíblico/teológico. Es natural que no buscan el
conocimiento acerca de un tema tan profundo como esta gente o iglesias se
pierden y sin que nadie supiera su verdadera importancia en las vidas de las
personas y sus comunidades. Creo que esto también ha llevado a los llamados
"tradicionales" a hacer varias clases de crítica
"Pentecostales" y generó un distanciamiento de los grupos y los
mutuos insultos en lugar de buscar crecimiento en comunión lo que sin duda
habría sido una experiencia muy rica. Vivió en el malestar. Pero Wesley en su
tiempo ha actuado de otra manera. Para leer y estudiar todo lo que pudo sobre
el tema y con los moravos (un grupo carismático) una relación muy estrecha y
esto le habían llevado más tarde a abrazar la causa defendida por ellos, a
saber: la vida llena del espíritu y la búsqueda de la santidad. La venida del
Espíritu Santo sobre Wesley fue algo por accidente y repentina incluso sin que
él había buscado. Wesley buscó intensamente una vida de plena comunión con Dios
mediante el Espíritu Santo que él sabía teológicamente, pero sabía que en la
práctica. Sólo a partir del día 24 de mayo de 1738 en la calle Aldersgate en
una reunión informal encabezada por un laico Wesley vivió intensamente la
experiencia con el Espíritu Santo. Sin embargo la evidencia más grande que él
ahora era realmente transformó las vidas que anotó Cristo para escuchar su
palabra llenos de Espíritu Santo y fuego de Dios. Nadie podía oír a Wesley y
seguir adelante a pesar de todo. Algo estaba pasando. Dios habló ahora
realmente en la boca de John Wesley. Sus sermones ya no son teóricos y pasó a
ser la voz de Dios que cambió la gente. Se perdió el amor que siento por las
almas que no pueden ser erróneas. Todos que Wesley sólo conocía de forma
teórica acerca de Dios y su relación con los pecadores, se convirtió en
práctica, real, vivo. Metodistas sabemos el bautismo del Espíritu Santo de esta
manera. ¿Por qué todavía hoy había llamado bautismo santifica.
a Dios porque la Iglesia Metodista redescubrió esta gran verdad y volvió a sus
orígenes. No podemos aceptar que alguien quería hacer al aire libre de Dios
como Dios quieren hacerse sin este bautismo santifica. Sería imposible. Incluso
podemos trabajar bien planeado y organizado, pero las almas nunca se rendirán a
Cristo y se convierte en nuestro discurso agotador y monótono. Nosotros podemos
predicar acerca de comunión en todo momento en nuestros púlpitos. Pero no habrá
ninguna verdadera comunión entre nuestro pueblo sin este bautismo con el
Espíritu Santo y con fuego.
que tal vez ha tomado nuestras comunidades para la discusión sobre el tema y
rechazar la idea era la evidencia del bautismo. ¿Cuál sería la evidencia de
haber recibido el bautismo del Espíritu Santo? El "pentecostales",
dijo a hablar en lenguas extrañas. El "histórico" rechazó esa tesis. El
problema es cómo escapar de la "tradicional" siempre usar el texto
bíblico de 1 Cor. 13, donde Pablo habla que podía hablar las lenguas de los
hombres y de Ángeles, pero sin amor sería como la campana címbalo y que no
tienen ningún valor. Pero Paul no contra el don de lenguas y el Don mismo sin
amor. Era lo que estaba sucediendo en la iglesia de Corintos en esos días. Por
eso Paul regula los cultos en el capítulo 14, donde dice que en el caso de
alguien hablar en otras lenguas que hablan dos o cuando muchos tres y uno después
el otro y eso son un intérprete para que la iglesia puede recibir edificante.
¿Por qué? Porque iba en un tremendo desorden. Uno comenzó a hablar en lenguas y
de repente todos hablaban y el culto estaba girando alrededor de uno de los
dones del espíritu. Pero nadie puede negar que en la Biblia hay casos en los
que la evidencia de la venida del Espíritu Santo ha estado hablando en otros
idiomas. Vamos a ir a los textos; Hechos 19: 1-7. Paulo después de pasar por
las regiones más altas llega en Éfeso y encuentra con un grupo de discípulos entusiasta
y preguntarles si habían recibido el Espíritu Santo cuando creías. Los que
respondieron; Ni siquiera hemos oído que hay Espíritu Santo. Después de esa
pregunta en el bautismo había sido bautizaron y sabiendo que era el bautismo de
John Paul explica a los bautizados en el nombre del Señor Jesús. Después de
imponer las manos sobre ellos y el Espíritu Santo se vierte. ¿Qué ha pasado?
Esos hombres estaban hablando en otros idiomas y predecir. Está bastante claro
que en este caso la evidencia era aquí las lenguas y profecías. Volver un poco
al capítulo 10 de hechos y ver el episodio en la casa de Cornelio. Ver
versículo 44 qué sucede cuando Peter está hablando. El texto dice que mientras
Peter habló sobre el Espíritu Santo cayó sobre todo lo oye la palabra, para
hablar en lenguas los oían y magnificar a Dios. Con lo cual Peter órdenes que
son bautizados porque habían recibido el Espíritu Santo con ellos (de la
circuncisión) que acompañó el Pedro. Véase también el capítulo ocho de los
actos del verso 14 a 17 años. La cosa era tan evidente que Simon era envidiado
y quería comprar este regalo con dinero, porque los dos enviados impuso las
manos sobre la gente y ellos recibieron el Espíritu Santo. Me preguntaste:
Pastor, pero ¿qué pasa con las pruebas? Yo contestaría: fue inmediata. No había
tiempo para la gente de demostrar con sus vidas, lo que había sucedido. Todo
fue visto en el tiempo. Este texto comienza diciendo que los hermanos Pedro y
Juan fueron enviados a Samaria, porque las personas estaban recibiendo la
palabra de Dios y los creyentes aumentaban, pero el Espíritu Santo no había
llegado a alguno de ellos. Estaban en una misión a orar para que todos reciban
el Espíritu Santo. ¿Hermanos como mirando indiferente? Pregunta que mucha gente
lo toma para darse cuenta de la verdad bíblica.
Empezar el año nuevo pensando
firmemente en una comunidad llena de fe, amor y buscar el bautismo del Espíritu
Santo. Amén.
Jesué Francisco da Silva.
Meus irmãos e minhas irmãs eu gostaria de meditar com vocês
hoje sobre o tema acima, até porque ainda vemos algum tipo de preconceito sobre
o mesmo.
John Wesley, o fundador do metodismo no século XVIII iniciou
esta obra depois da experiência que ele teve com o Espírito Santo em sua vida.
Ele teve dificuldades para lidar com o nome que daria a essa experiência tão
profunda e marcante em sua vida e, porque não dizer, nas vidas dos demais que a
tiveram, estão tendo e a terão futuramente. Wesley ora a chamava de Batismo
Espiritual, ora de Batismo com o Espírito Santo e outras vezes de testemunho
interior do Espírito. Mas sempre reconhecia que havia uma mudança e que essa
experiência tinha um nome. Durante muitos anos somente os chamados “pentecostais”
lidaram com isso. As Igrejas históricas tinham muitas dificuldades para
trabalhar o conceito de Batismo com o Espírito Santo. Havia até certo
preconceito sobre a ideia e essas Igrejas (Históricas) faram ficando para trás
e nem mesmo falavam sobre a questão em seu ponto de vista bíblico/teológico. É
natural que não buscando conhecimento sobre um assunto tão profundo como este
as pessoas ou Igrejas fiquem perdidas e sem perceberem a sua real importância
nas vidas das pessoas e comunidades. Creio que isso levou também os chamados “tradicionais”
a fazerem vários tipos de críticas aos “pentecostais” e isso gerou um
distanciamento dos grupos e os insultos mútuos ao invés de procurarem o
crescimento em comunhão o que teria sido sem dúvida uma experiência muito rica.
Viviam nesse desconforto. Mas Wesley em seu tempo já agiu diferente. Procurava
ler e estudar tudo o que podia sobre o assunto e tinha com os moravianos (um
grupo carismático) uma relação muito estreita e isso o levou mais tarde a
abraçar a causa por eles defendida, ou seja: Uma vida cheia do Espírito e a
busca de santidade. A vinda do Espírito Santo sobre Wesley não foi algo por
acaso e nem repentina sem que ele a tivesse buscado. Wesley buscou intensamente
uma vida de comunhão plena com Deus através do Espírito Santo que ele conhecia
teologicamente, mas não conhecia na prática. Somente a partir do dia 24 de maio
de 1738 na Rua Aldersgate em uma reunião bem informal dirigida por um leigo
Wesley passou a viver intensamente a experiência com Espírito Santo. Porém a
maior evidência de que ele agora estava realmente transformado eram as vidas
que se rendiam a Cristo ao ouvirem sua palavra cheia do Espírito Santo e o fogo
de Deus. Ninguém conseguia ouvir Wesley e continuar indiferente. Alguma coisa
acontecia. Deus agora falava realmente na boca de John Wesley. Suas pregações
deixaram de ser teóricas e passaram a ser a voz de Deus que mudava as pessoas.
O amor que passou a sentir pelas almas perdidas era insofismável. Tudo o que
Wesley somente conhecia de forma teórica sobre Deus e seu relacionamento com os
pecadores passou a ser prático, verdadeiro, vivo. Nós metodistas conhecemos o
Batismo com o espírito Santo dessa maneira. Por isso ainda hoje o chamamos
também de Batismo santificador.
Louvo a Deus porque a Igreja Metodista redescobriu essa
grande verdade e voltou à suas origens. Não podemos admitir que alguém quisesse
fazer a abra de Deus como Deus quer que seja feita sem esse Batismo Santificador.
Seria impossível. Podemos até realizar trabalhos bem planejados e organizados,
mas as almas jamais se renderão a Cristo e o nosso discurso se torna cansativo
e monótono. Podemos pregar sobre comunhão o tempo todo em nossos púlpitos. Mas
não haverá comunhão verdadeira entre o nosso povo sem esse batismo com o
Espírito Sando e com fogo.
O que tal vez tenha levado as nossas comunidades a discussões
sobre o tema e a rejeitarem a ideia foi a evidência desse Batismo. Quais seriam
as evidências do recebimento do Batismo com o Espírito Santo? Os “pentecostais” diziam ser o falar em
línguas estranhas. Os “históricos” rejeitavam essa tese. O problema é que como
escape os “tradicionais” usavam sempre o texto bíblico de I Cor. 13 aonde Paulo
fala que poderia falar as línguas dos homens e dos anjos, porém sem amor seria
como o sino que retine e não teria nenhum valor. Mas Paulo não está contra o
dom de línguas e sim contra o dom em si mesmo sem amor. Era o que estava acontecendo
na Igreja de Corintos naqueles dias. Por isso Paulo regulamenta os cultos no
capítulo 14 onde diz que no caso de alguém falar em outras línguas que falem
dois ou quando muitos três e um após o outro e que haja intérprete para que a
Igreja receba edificação. Por quê? Porque estava acontecendo uma desordem
tremenda. Um começava a falar em línguas e de repente todos estavam falando e o
culto ficava girando em torno de um dos dons do Espírito. Mas não há ninguém
que possa negar que na Bíblia existem casos em que a evidência da vinda do
Espírito Santo tenha sido o falar em outras línguas. Vamos aos textos; Atos,
19:1-7.Paulo após passar pelas regiões mais altas chega a Éfeso e encontra um
grupo de discípulos entusiasmados e lhes pergunta se eles haviam recebido o
Espírito Santo quando creram. Ao que responderam; Nós nunca nem ouvimos que
existe o Espírito Santo. Depois que lhes pergunta em que Batismo haviam sido
eles batizados e sabendo era no batismo de João Paulo explica a os batiza em
nome do Senhor Jesus. Depois impõe as mãos sobre eles e o Espírito Santo é derramado. O que
aconteceu? Aqueles homens passaram a falar em outras línguas e a profetizarem.
Está bem claro aqui que nesse caso as evidências foram as línguas e as
profecias. Voltem um pouco para o capítulo dez de Atos e veja o episódio na
casa de Cornélio. Vejam a partir do
versículo 44 o que acontece enquanto Pedro está falando. O texto diz que
enquanto Pedro falava o Espírito santo caiu sobre todos os lhe ouviam a
palavra, pois os ouviam falando em línguas e engrandecendo a Deus. Diante disso
Pedro ordena que sejam batizados, pois haviam recebido o Espírito Santo com
Eles (os da circuncisão) que acompanhavam a Pedro. Vejamos ainda o capítulo oito de Atos a partir
do versículo 14 até 17. A coisa era tão evidente que Simão ficou invejado e
quis comprar esse dom com dinheiro, pois os dois enviados impunham as mãos
sobre as pessoas e elas recebiam o Espírito Santo. Você me perguntaria: Pastor,
mas e as evidências? Eu lhe responderia: A coisa era imediata. Não havia tempo
para as pessoas demonstrarem com suas vidas, o que lhes havia acontecido. Tudo
era visto na hora. Este texto começa dizendo que os irmãos Pedro e João foram
enviados para Samaria porque o povo estava recebendo a Palavra de Deus e os
crentes estavam aumentando, mas o Espírito Santo ainda não havia vindo sobre
nenhum deles. Eles foram com a missão de orar por todos para que recebessem o
Espírito santo. Irmãos como ver isso indiferente? Questiono o tempo que muita
gente demora a perceberem essa verdade bíblica.
Iniciemos o novo ano pensando firmemente em uma comunidade
cheia de fé, amor e que busca o Batismo
com o Espírito Santo. Amém.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.
quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2013
My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Christ.
But was where
Jesus Christ before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We
had faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in
Nazareth's man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis,
1:26 where the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man
says: Let us make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the
ones what did? God and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do"
therefore? Was Jesus there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was
embodied was God entering in the time and in the space to look for the man that
had fallen. In fact, God always looked for communion with the man that had
done. I would say that before the fall God already communicated with the man.
God spoke to the man. So much that to the man to fall he hides, but God as
always comes to speak with him. He calls several times in moments different
from the day (breeze of the day). Is clear that God never left the man. It was
with the man before the sin, when he sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again:
Where was Jesus in all that time? To answer we are going to John's Gospel,
Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb,
the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action. That "Verb" can be
substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos? Logos is the Word in action
and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses. Cosmoses are the beautiful,
beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the word cosmetics. Products for
beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world before being organized.
Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos of God (his Jesus son) it
was present in the creation. And the biblical text says that all of the things
were made by Him and without Him anything that it was done if he did. Him who?
Jesus Christ. Therefore the verb to do
it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But and the possessive pronoun? How
is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our image, our similarity. Jesus was
present in the action of the creation. Therefore we called the entrance of God
in the world through incarnation Jesus. Our God stopped being only a Spirit
that hovered on the waters and it was made meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel
doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews and Luck, but they speaks about the
entrance of God in the men's world to rescue them in a more philosophical and
theological way. It is still plus, he gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it
is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It can be played, we can be hot of his body.
In Christ God lived the human experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue,
pain and he became mortal. Another
incredible experience of Jesus after the resurrection was when he arrived the
disciples close and he asked if they had something to eat. See Luck chapter
twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree. Pay attention. Jesus calls them
to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that a spirit neither has meat nor
bones as it bans that I have. That everything happened after the resurrection.
Jesus was already in his glorified body. But it continued and it continues
being body. When it was high to the heights the disciples saw his body arise
until disappearing among the clouds. The angels told them: This Jesus that was
subject to the Skies among you will come back in the same way as you saw to go
up. Brothers and sisters feel that: "In the same way”. Carrying
physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Christ.
But was where
Jesus Cristo before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We
had faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in
Nazareth's man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis,
1:26 where the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man
says: Let us make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the
ones what did? God and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do"
therefore? Was Jesus there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was
embodied was God entering in the time and in the space to look for the man that
had fallen. In fact, God always looked for communion with the man that had
done. I would say that before the fall God already communicated with the man.
God spoke to the man. So much that to the man to fall he hides, but God as
always comes to speak with him. He calls several times in moments different
from the day (breeze of the day). Is clear that God never left the man. It was
with the man before the sin, when he sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again:
Where was Jesus in all that time? To answer we are going to John's Gospel,
Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb,
the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action. That "Verb" can be
substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos? Logos is the Word in action
and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses. Cosmoses are the beautiful,
beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the word cosmetics. Products for
beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world before being organized.
Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos of God (his Jesus son) it
was present in the creation. And the biblical text says that all of the things
were made by Him and without Him anything that it was done if he did. Him who?
Jesus Christ. Therefore the verb to do
it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But and the possessive pronoun? How
is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our image, our similarity. Jesus was
present in the action of the creation. Therefore we called the entrance of God
in the world through incarnation Jesus. Our God stopped being only a Spirit
that hovered on the waters and it was made meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel
doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews and Luck, but they speaks about the
entrance of God in the men's world to rescue them in a more philosophical and
theological way. It is still plus, he gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it
is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It can be played, we can be hot of his body.
In Christ God lived the human experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue,
pain and he became mortal. Another
incredible experience of Jesus after the resurrection was when he arrived the
disciples close and he asked if they had something to eat. See Luck chapter
twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree. Pay attention. Jesus calls them
to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that a spirit neither has meat nor
bones as it bans that I have. That everything happened after the resurrection.
Jesus was already in his/her glorified body. But it continued and it continues
being body. When it was high to the heights the disciples saw his body arise
until disappearing among the clouds. The angels told them: This Jesus that was
subject to the Skies among you will come back in the same way as you saw to go
up. Brothers and sisters feel that: "In the same way”. Carrying
physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Christ.
But was where
Jesus Cristo before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We
had faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in
Nazareth's man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis,
1:26 where the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man
says: Let us make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the
ones what did? God and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do"
therefore? Was Jesus there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was
embodied was God entering in the time and in the space to look for the man that
had fallen. In fact, God always looked for communion with the man that had
done. I would say that before the fall God already communicated with the man.
God spoke to the man. So much that to the man to fall he hides, but God as
always comes to speak with him. He calls several times in moments different
from the day (breeze of the day). Is clear that God never left the man. It was
with the man before the sin, when he sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again:
Where was Jesus in all that time? To answer we are going to John's Gospel,
Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb,
the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action. That "Verb" can be
substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos? Logos is the Word in action
and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses. Cosmoses are the beautiful,
beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the word cosmetics. Products for
beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world before being organized.
Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos of God (his Jesus son) it
was present in the creation. And the biblical text says that all of the things
were made by Him and without Him anything that it was done if he did. Him who?
Jesus Christ. Therefore the verb to do
it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But and the possessive pronoun? How
is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our image, our similarity. Jesus was
present in the action of the creation. Therefore we called the entrance of God
in the world through incarnation Jesus. Our God stopped being only a Spirit
that hovered on the waters and it was made meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel
doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews and Luck, but they speaks about the
entrance of God in the men's world to rescue them in a more philosophical and
theological way. It is still plus, he gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it
is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It can be played, we can be hot of his body.
In Christ God lived the human experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue,
pain and he became mortal. Another
incredible experience of Jesus after the resurrection was when he arrived the
disciples close and he asked if they had something to eat. See Luck chapter
twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree. Pay attention. Jesus calls them
to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that a spirit neither has meat nor
bones as it bans that I have. That everything happened after the resurrection.
Jesus was already in his/her glorified body. But it continued and it continues
being body. When it was high to the heights the disciples saw his body arise
until disappearing among the clouds. The angels told them: This Jesus that was
subject to the Skies among you will come back in the same way as you saw to go
up. Brothers and sisters feel that: "In the same way”. Carrying
physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Christ.
But was where
Jesus Cristo before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We
had faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in
Nazareth's man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis,
1:26 where the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man
says: Let us make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the
ones what did? God and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do"
therefore? Was Jesus there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was
embodied was God entering in the time and in the space to look for the man that
had fallen. In fact, God always looked for communion with the man that had
done. I would say that before the fall God already communicated with the man.
God spoke to the man. So much that to the man to fall he hides, but God as
always comes to speak with him. He calls several times in moments different
from the day (breeze of the day). Is clear that God never left the man. It was
with the man before the sin, when he sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again:
Where was Jesus in all that time? To answer we are going to John's Gospel,
Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb,
the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action. That "Verb" can be
substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos? Logos is the Word in action
and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses. Cosmoses are the beautiful,
beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the word cosmetics. Products for
beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world before being organized.
Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos of God (his Jesus son) it
was present in the creation. And the biblical text says that all of the things
were made by Him and without Him anything that it was done if he did. Him who?
Jesus Christ. Therefore the verb to do
it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But and the possessive pronoun? How
is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our image, our similarity. Jesus was
present in the action of the creation. Therefore we called the entrance of God
in the world through incarnation Jesus. Our God stopped being only a Spirit
that hovered on the waters and it was made meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel
doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews and Luck, but they speaks about the
entrance of God in the men's world to rescue them in a more philosophical and
theological way. It is still plus, he gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it
is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It can be played, we can be hot of his body.
In Christ God lived the human experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue,
pain and he became mortal. Another
incredible experience of Jesus after the resurrection was when he arrived the
disciples close and he asked if they had something to eat. See Luck chapter
twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree. Pay attention. Jesus calls them
to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that a spirit neither has meat nor
bones as it bans that I have. That everything happened after the resurrection.
Jesus was already in his/her glorified body. But it continued and it continues
being body. When it was high to the heights the disciples saw his body arise
until disappearing among the clouds. The angels told them: This Jesus that was
subject to the Skies among you will come back in the same way as you saw to go
up. Brothers and sisters feel that: "In the same way”. Carrying
physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013
My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Cristo.
But was where
Jesus Cristo before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We had
faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in Nazareth's
man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis, 1:26 where
the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man says: Let us
make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the ones what did? God
and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do" therefore? Was Jesus
there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was embodied was God entering
in the time and in the space to look for the man that had fallen. In fact, God
always looked for communion with the man that had done. I would say that before
the fall God already communicated with the man. God spoke to the man. So much
that to the man to fall he hides, but God as always comes to speak with him. He
calls several times in moments different from the day (breeze of the day). Is
clear that God never left the man. It was with the man before the sin, when he
sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But
Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again: Where was Jesus in all that time? To
answer we are going to John's Gospel, Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning
with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb, the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action.
That "Verb" can be substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos?
Logos is the Word in action and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses.
Cosmoses are the beautiful, beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the
word cosmetics. Products for beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world
before being organized. Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos
of God (his Jesus son) it was present in the creation. And the biblical text
says that all of the things were made by Him and without Him anything that it
was done if he did. Him who? Jesus Christ.
Therefore the verb to do it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But
and the possessive pronoun? How is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our
image, our similarity. Jesus was present in the action of the creation.
Therefore we called the entrance of God in the world through incarnation Jesus.
Our God stopped being only a Spirit that hovered on the waters and it was made
meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews
and Luck, but they speaks about the entrance of God in the men's world to
rescue them in a more philosophical and theological way. It is still plus, he
gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It
can be played, we can be hot of his body. In Christ God lived the human
experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue, pain and he became mortal. Another incredible experience of Jesus after
the resurrection was when he arrived the disciples close and he asked if they
had something to eat. See Luck chapter twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree.
Pay attention. Jesus calls them to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that
a spirit neither has meat nor bones as it bans that I have. That everything
happened after the resurrection. Jesus was already in his/her glorified body.
But it continued and it continues being body. When it was high to the heights
the disciples saw his body arise until disappearing among the clouds. The
angels told them: This Jesus that was subject to the Skies among you will come
back in the same way as you saw to go up. Brothers and sisters feel that:
"In the same way”. Carrying physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Cristo.
But was where
Jesus Cristo before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We had
faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in Nazareth's
man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis, 1:26 where
the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man says: Let us
make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the ones what did? God
and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do" therefore? Was Jesus
there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was embodied was God entering
in the time and in the space to look for the man that had fallen. In fact, God
always looked for communion with the man that had done. I would say that before
the fall God already communicated with the man. God spoke to the man. So much
that to the man to fall he hides, but God as always comes to speak with him. He
calls several times in moments different from the day (breeze of the day). Is
clear that God never left the man. It was with the man before the sin, when he
sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But
Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again: Where was Jesus in all that time? To
answer we are going to John's Gospel, Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning
with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb, the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action.
That "Verb" can be substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos?
Logos is the Word in action and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses.
Cosmoses are the beautiful, beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the
word cosmetics. Products for beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world
before being organized. Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos
of God (his Jesus son) it was present in the creation. And the biblical text
says that all of the things were made by Him and without Him anything that it
was done if he did. Him who? Jesus Christ.
Therefore the verb to do it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But
and the possessive pronoun? How is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our
image, our similarity. Jesus was present in the action of the creation.
Therefore we called the entrance of God in the world through incarnation Jesus.
Our God stopped being only a Spirit that hovered on the waters and it was made
meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews
and Luck, but they speaks about the entrance of God in the men's world to
rescue them in a more philosophical and theological way. It is still plus, he
gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It
can be played, we can be hot of his body. In Christ God lived the human
experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue, pain and he became mortal. Another incredible experience of Jesus after
the resurrection was when he arrived the disciples close and he asked if they
had something to eat. See Luck chapter twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree.
Pay attention. Jesus calls them to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that
a spirit neither has meat nor bones as it bans that I have. That everything
happened after the resurrection. Jesus was already in his/her glorified body.
But it continued and it continues being body. When it was high to the heights
the disciples saw his body arise until disappearing among the clouds. The
angels told them: This Jesus that was subject to the Skies among you will come
back in the same way as you saw to go up. Brothers and sisters feel that:
"In the same way”. Carrying physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
hermanos y mis hermanas, a volver a este tema porque nos acercamos a Navidad y
creo que eso sería edificante para todos nosotros. Por eso elegí el mismo texto
del pasado domingo por la noche y hacer algunas colocaciones de otros textos
bíblicos. Vamos a empezar hablando de que en Jesús Dios se convirtió en uno de
nosotros. O sea: Dios tomó forma real y totalmente humano en su hijo
dónde estaba antes Jesucristo? Creemos que Jesús siempre ha existido con el Padre.
Creemos en la preexistencia de Jesús, el hijo del Dios Altísimo que encarnó en
el hombre de Nazaret. Para probar esto vamos a la Palabra de Dios en Génesis
1:26 donde aparece el verbo en plural. Ver: Dios al tiempo que hace el hombre
dice: hagamos al hombre. ¿Cómo hacer? ¿Quiénes eran los que lo hicieron? Ahora
Dios y su hijo Jesucristo. Por eso la palabra "hagamos". Jesús estaba
allí. Sí. Siempre ha sido con el Padre. Cuando Jesús encarnó Dios estaba
entrando en el tiempo y el espacio para recoger al hombre que había caído. De
hecho, Dios siempre buscaba a comunión con el hombre que había hecho. Yo diría
que antes de la caída Dios se ha comunicado con el hombre. Dios habla al
hombre. Tan es así que cuando se cae al hombre esconde, pero Dios siempre viene
a hablar con él. Llamarlo varias veces en diferentes momentos del día (el día
todo). Esto nos muestra que Dios tiene el hombre. Él estaba con el hombre antes
del pecado, cuando pecó entonces quién pecó. Sí. Pero el Salvador es
Jesucristo. Le pregunto de nuevo: ¿dónde estaba Dios en todo este tiempo? Para
atender el Evangelio de Juan, capítulo 1: 1-3. ¿Quién era en el principio con
Dios? Jesús. Jesús era el verbo, la palabra (rema del griego) palabra en
acción. Este "verbo" puede ser sustituido por Logos. Pero ¿qué es
Logos? Logos es la palabra en acción y que transforma el caos en el Cosmos.
Cosmos es el hermoso, hermoso, organizado. Del cosmos viene la palabra cosméticos.
Para productos de belleza. Pero, ¿qué es el caos? Es el mundo antes de ser
organizada. Caótico que significa decir desorganizado. Por eso el Logos de Dios
(Jesús su hijo) estuvo presente en la creación. Y el texto bíblico dice que
todas las cosas fueron hechas por él, y sin él nada fue hecho que realizó. ¿Él quién? Jesucristo.
Así que el verbo es plural, nos hombre. ¿Pero el Pronombre posesivo? ¿Cómo
estás? ¿Es también en el plural? Sí. Nuestra imagen, conforme la nuestra
semejanza. Jesús estuvo presente en el acto de creación. Por eso llamamos a la
entrada de Dios en el mundo a través de Jesús de encarnación. Nuestro Dios no
es sólo un espíritu que se cernía sobre las aguas. Él se convirtió en carne.
Ver a Jo. 1:14. el Evangelio de Juan no cita el pesebre, como Mateo y Lucas,
pero habla de Dios en el mundo de los hombres, para rescatarlos de un modo
filosófico y teológico. Y aún más, da la Idea de que Jesús es Dios en carne, es
concreto, palpable. Puede ser tocado, se puede sentir el calor de su cuerpo. En
Cristo Dios vivió plenamente la experiencia humana. Sufrió hambre, fatiga,
dolor y llegó a ser mortal. Otra experiencia increíble de Jesús después de la
resurrección fue cuando él vino a los discípulos y le preguntó si tenían algo
para comer. Ver a Lucas capítulo 24, versículos 36 a 40. Preste atención. Jesús
les llamó a él para palparlo y dice: Realmente soy yo. Descubre lo que un
espíritu no tiene carne y huesos como usted vean que tengo. Esto todo sucedió
después de la resurrección. Jesús ya estaba en su cuerpo glorificado. Pero
guardado y aún el cuerpo. Cuando se toma los discípulos vieron su cuerpo
desaparecer entre las nubes. Los ángeles les dijeron: este Jesús quién de entre
ustedes fue sujeto a cielo es lo mismo como viste ir arriba vá venir. Hermanos
y hermanas que sienten: "del mismo modo". Portar físicamente,
significado de la palabra Emanuel que significa: Dios con nosotros adquiere
mucho más valor cuando pensamos en todo esto. Dios con nosotros son mucho más
que entre nosotros. Dios toma nuestra plena humanidad para traernos personalmente
su plan de salvación.
y hermanas por todo lo que celebran pensando en Navidad en su significado
real. No sólo es regalos y las fiestas de Navidad. Coche nuevo ni siquiera
encuentro de las familias. Puede y debe suceder. Pero la Navidad es mucho más
que eso. Dios está con nosotros siempre nos busca desde el jardín del Edén. ¡
Aleluya! Amén.
El significado de la palabra
Emanuel que significa: Dios con nosotros adquiere mucho más valor cuando
pensamos en todo esto. Dios con nosotros es mucho más que entre nosotros.
Dios toma nuestra plena humanidad para traernos personalmente su plan de
y hermanas por todo lo que celebran pensando en Navidad en su significado
real. No sólo es regalos y las fiestas de Navidad. Coche nuevo ni siquiera
encuentro de las familias. Puede y debe suceder. Pero la Navidad es mucho más
que eso. Dios está con nosotros siempre nos busca desde el jardín del Edén. ¡Aleluya!
Reverendo Jesué
Francisco da Silva
domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2013
Meus irmãos e minhas irmãs, mais uma vez retomo este assunto
por estarmos nos aproximando do dia de Natal e creio que isso seria edificante
para todos nós. Por isso escolhi o mesmo texto de domingo passado à noite e
farei algumas colocações de outros textos bíblicos. Vamos iniciar falando que
em Jesus Deus se tonou um de nós. Ou seja: Deus assumiu real e totalmente a
forma humana em seu filho Jesus Cristo.
Mas onde estava Jesus Cristo antes? Nós cremos que Jesus
sempre existiu com o Pai. Cremos na preexistência de Jesus, o Filho do Deus
Altíssimo que se encarnou no homem de Nazaré. Para provarmos isso vamos para a
Palavra de Deus em Genesis, 1:26 onde o verbo fazer aparece no plural. Vejam:
Deus ao fazer o homem diz: Façamos o homem e não, faço o homem. Como façamos?
Quem eram os que faziam? Ora Deus e seu Filho Jesus Cristo. Por isso a palavra
“façamos”. Jesus estava lá? Sim. Ele esteve sempre como Pai. Quando Jesus se
encarnou foi Deus entrando no tempo e no espaço para buscar o homem que havia
caído. Aliás, Deus sempre buscou comunhão com o homem que fizera. Eu diria que
antes da queda Deus já se comunicava com o homem. Deus falava com o homem.
Tanto que ao cair o homem se esconde, mas Deus como sempre vem falar com ele.
Chama-o várias vezes em momentos diferentes do dia (viração do dia). Isso nos
mostra que Deus jamais deixou o homem. Estava com o homem antes do pecado,
quando pecou e depois que pecou. Sim.
Mas o Salvador é Jesus Cristo. Eu pergunto novamente: Onde estava Jesus em todo
esse tempo? Para responder vamos para o Evangelho de João, Capítulo 1:1-3. Quem
estava no princípio com Deus? Jesus. Jesus era o verbo, a Palavra (Rema do
grego) Palavra em ação. Esse “Verbo” pode ser substituído por Logos. Mas o que
é Logos? Logos é a Palavra em ação e que transforma o Caos e Cosmos. Cosmos é o
belo, bonito, organizado. De cosmos vem a palavra cosméticos. Produtos para
beleza. Mas o que é Caos? É o mundo antes de ser organizado. Caótico quer dizer
desorganizado. Por isso o Logos de Deus (Jesus seu filho) estava presente na
criação. E o texto bíblico diz que todas as coisas foram feitas por Ele e sem
Ele nada que foi feito se fez. Ele quem? Jesus Cristo. Por isso o verbo fazer está no plural,
façamos nós o homem. Mas e o pronome possessivo? Como está? Também está no
plural? Sim está. Nossa imagem, nossa semelhança. Jesus estava presente no ato
da criação. Por isso chamamos a entrada de Deus no mundo por meio de Jesus de
encarnação. O nosso Deus deixou de ser somente um Espírito que pairava sobre as
águas e se fez carne. Veja Jo. 1:14. O evangelho de João não cita a manjedoura,
como Mateus e Lucas, mas fala da entrada de Deus no mundo dos homens para
resgatá-los de uma maneira mais filosófica e teológica. E ainda mais, nos dá a
Idea clara de que em Jesus Deus é carne, é concreto, palpável. Pode ser tocado,
podemos sentir o calor de seu corpo, seu cheiro. Em cristo Deus viveu
plenamente a experiência humana. Sofreu fome, cansaço, dor e se tornou mortal. Outra experiência incrível de Jesus após a
ressurreição foi quando ele chegou junto aos discípulos e perguntou se tinham
alguma coisa para comer. Vejam Lucas capítulo vinte e quatro, versículos trinta
e seis a quarenta s três. Prestem atenção. Jesus chama-os a palpá-lo e diz: Sou
eu mesmo. Vede que um espírito não tem carne nem ossos como vede que eu tenho.
Isso tudo aconteceu depois da ressurreição. Jesus já estava em seu corpo
glorificado. Mas continuava e continua sendo corpo. Quando foi elevado às
alturas os discípulos viram o seu corpo subir até desaparecer entre as nuvens.
Os anjos lhes disseram: Este Jesus que dentre vós foi assunto aos Céus voltará
do mesmo modo como o vistes subir. Irmãos e irmãs sintam isso: “Do mesmo modo”.
Portando fisicamente, corporiamente.
O sentido da palavra Emanuel que quer dizer: Deus conosco
adquire muito mais valor quando pensamos em tudo isso. Deus conosco é muito
mais do que entre nós. É Deus assumindo a nossa humanidade plena para nos
trazer pessoalmente o seu plano de salvação.
Irmãos e irmãs por tudo isso comemoremos o Natal pensando em
seu real significado. Natal não é somente festas e presentes. Nem
carro novo ou até mesmo encontro de famílias. Isso pode e deve acontecer. Mas Natal
é muito mais do que tudo isso. É Deus conosco sempre nos buscando desde o Éden.
Aleluia! Amém.
quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013
Boletín del día 15 de
diciembre de 2013 en LINS.
¿NO ES? -(I Jon. 5:14 -17)
Entonces ver el siguiente
hermanos y mis hermanas, el martes pasado hablé en la iglesia de la investidura
que Jesús dio a su iglesia para fundar su segundo MT. 16. Hoy vamos a hablar de
esto más adelante un modo diferente. Vamos a empezar nuestra meditación de la
pregunta planteada en el título de misma. Creo que muchos de nosotros no
sabíamos que teníamos esa orientación de Jesús sobre la fuerza de nuestras
peticiones. El texto sobre la mesa utiliza un pronombre indefinido:
"algunos" para decir si le pedimos algo según su a él nos oye.
Primero tienes que saber que Dios nos oye según su voluntad. IE: nuestras
demandas tendrá que estar en el centro de la voluntad de Dios. Y eso es donde
somos oídos (as). En segundo lugar es necesario estar seguro que él nos oye lo
que pedimos la segunda. Para que podamos estar suguros que nos escucharán.
Pedimos algo. Así que estamos seguros que nos serán atendidos en orden. Creo
que Jesús pensado cuando dice que si oramos creyendo que hemos tenido para que
esté con nosotros. Hoy en día lo llaman toma
de la bendición. Y es incluso. En la mayoría de las veces oramos, pero seguro
que no nos rceber lo que pedimos. El texto insta a que estemos a salvo ya que
sabemos que él (Dios) nos oye. El verbo saber aquí tiene un significado muy
profuno, como indica que somos conscientes de la derecha, de todos modos esto
es seguro. Tenemos que estar determinados a orar, que será la forma en que
pedimos en oración al señor. Salmo 37 dice: "tu camino al señor. Confiar
en él y que lo hará ". Generalmente pedimos, pero no confiamos. Así las
cosas no ocurren. Mi hermano o mi hermana, si usted hizo una petición al señor
tengo confianza porque realmente va a suceder. Sin embargo conviene que va a
suceder según la voluntad de Dios. ¿Como han sido nuestras oraciones? Han sido
confiados. Si tienen entonces quedarse tranquila porque recibimos peticiones
que hemos hecho al señor. Pero lo que realmente me llamó la atención en el
texto era el hecho que pedimos perdón por los pecados de otros si los pecados
no son a muerte. Porque hay pecados a la muerte y por esto el texto dice que no
debemos orar.
¿qué haría estos pecados hasta la muerte? Estamos en un punto muerto. La
Biblia dice que para todo tipo de pecados no es tiene perdón y que sólo para
la blasfemia contra el Espíritu Santo no hay ningún perdón. En este caso los
pecados, porque son plurales, por muerte sería una blasfemia contra el
Espíritu Santo. Hice una búsqueda sobre lo que podría ser contra el Espíritu
Santo y vio que se va a asignar al diablo un acto de Dios. En otras palabras:
es Dios quien está hablando o fazebndo y la persona dice que es el diablo.
Esta sria blasfemia contra el Espíritu Santo. En realidad el contexto donde
Jesús nos da ese discurso es el momento en que usted está llamando Belsebú (jefe
malvado) según el judaísmo. Algunas personas piensan que es sólo el diablo.
Pero Belsebú y el mal son la misma cosa. En inglés esta expresión está
gravemente o diablo. En latín malum. Por supuesto que puede considerarse
también como diablo es la personificación del mal. Pero no teologar y
filosofar sobre esto pero claro lo que sería este pecado de blasfemia contra
el Espíritu Santo. Sin cualquier dúuvida es para tipo de pecado
¿qué haría estos pecados hasta la muerte? Estamos en un punto muerto. La
Biblia dice que para todo tipo de pecados no es tiene perdón y que sólo para
la blasfemia contra el Espíritu Santo no hay ningún perdón. En este caso los
pecados, porque son plurales, por muerte sería una blasfemia contra el
Espíritu Santo. Hice una búsqueda sobre lo que podría ser contra el Espíritu
Santo y vio que se va a asignar al diablo un acto de Dios. En otras palabras:
es Dios quien está hablando o fazebndo y la persona dice que es el diablo.
Esta sria blasfemia contra el Espíritu Santo. En realidad el contexto donde
Jesús nos da ese discurso es el momento en que usted está llamando Belsebú
(jefe malvado) según el judaísmo. Algunas personas piensan que es sólo el
diablo. Pero Belsebú y el mal son la misma cosa. En inglés esta expresión
está gravemente o diablo. En latín malum. Por supuesto que puede considerarse
también como diablo es la personificación del mal. Pero no teologar y
filosofar sobre esto pero claro lo que sería este pecado de blasfemia contra
el Espíritu Santo. Sin cualquier dúuvida es para tipo de pecado que no Debemos orar. Pero para otros tipos. Esa
cosa fantástica! Una persona sufre y usted y yo podemos interceder en su
favor y esa persona recibe perdón. ¿Sabías? Eso fue el motivo de mi pregunta
en el título de esta meditación. Pesnsemos pida perdón por los demás y sobre
todo por los pecados de nuestra iglesia, que son muchos durante estos años
noventa y siete. Todavía podemos pedir perdón para trabajos especiales que
vemos cometer pecados individualmente contra la iglesia, contra otros o
contra los pastores que pasaron o pasan por aquí. Dios nos perdone y cambiar
nuestra suerte y vamos a ser una gran iglesia bendecida por Dios. Amén.
Jesué Francisco da Silva.
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