My brothers and
my sisters, once again I retake this subject for we be approaching the
Christmas day and I believe that that would belong edifying for all to us.
Therefore I chose the same text of last Sunday at night and I will make some
placements of other biblical texts. We will begin speaking that in Jesus God if
turned one of us. Or be: God assumed real and totally the human form in his son
Jesus Christ.
But was where
Jesus Christ before? We believed that Jesus always existed with the Father. We
had faith in Jesus' preexistence, God Almighty Son that was embodied in
Nazareth's man. For us to prove that are going for the Word of God in Genesis,
1:26 where the verb to do appears in the plural. See: God when doing the man
says: Let us make the man and no, I make the man. How do we do? Who were the
ones what did? God and his Son Jesus Christ. Does the word "do"
therefore? Was Jesus there? Yes. He was always as Father. When Jesus was
embodied was God entering in the time and in the space to look for the man that
had fallen. In fact, God always looked for communion with the man that had
done. I would say that before the fall God already communicated with the man.
God spoke to the man. So much that to the man to fall he hides, but God as
always comes to speak with him. He calls several times in moments different
from the day (breeze of the day). Is clear that God never left the man. It was
with the man before the sin, when he sinned and after he sinned. Yes. But Savior is Jesus Cristo. I ask again:
Where was Jesus in all that time? To answer we are going to John's Gospel,
Chapter 1:1-3. Who was in the beginning with God? Jesus. Jesus was the verb,
the Word (he Rem of the Greek) Word in action. That "Verb" can be
substituted by Logos. But the one what is Logos? Logos is the Word in action
and that it transforms the Chaos and Cosmoses. Cosmoses are the beautiful,
beautiful, and organized. Of cosmoses it comes the word cosmetics. Products for
beauty. But the one what is Chaos? It is the world before being organized.
Chaotic it wants to say disorganized. Therefore Logos of God (his Jesus son) it
was present in the creation. And the biblical text says that all of the things
were made by Him and without Him anything that it was done if he did. Him who?
Jesus Christ. Therefore the verb to do
it is in the plural; let’s do us the man. But and the possessive pronoun? How
is it? Is also in the plural? Yes it is. Our image, our similarity. Jesus was
present in the action of the creation. Therefore we called the entrance of God
in the world through incarnation Jesus. Our God stopped being only a Spirit
that hovered on the waters and it was made meat. See John. 1:14. John's Gospel
doesn't mention the manager, like Mathews and Luck, but they speaks about the
entrance of God in the men's world to rescue them in a more philosophical and
theological way. It is still plus, he gives us clear Idea that in Jesus God it
is meat, it is concrete, tangible. It can be played, we can be hot of his body.
In Christ God lived the human experience fully. It suffered hunger, fatigue,
pain and he became mortal. Another
incredible experience of Jesus after the resurrection was when he arrived the
disciples close and he asked if they had something to eat. See Luck chapter
twenty-four, verses thirty six to forty tree. Pay attention. Jesus calls them
to feel him and he says: I am me even. Ban that a spirit neither has meat nor
bones as it bans that I have. That everything happened after the resurrection.
Jesus was already in his glorified body. But it continued and it continues
being body. When it was high to the heights the disciples saw his body arise
until disappearing among the clouds. The angels told them: This Jesus that was
subject to the Skies among you will come back in the same way as you saw to go
up. Brothers and sisters feel that: "In the same way”. Carrying
physically, in body.
The sense of
the word Emanuel that wants to say: God with us acquires very more value when
we thought about all this. God with us is much more than among us. It is God
assuming our full humanity personally to bring us his salvation plan.
Brothers and
sisters for all this commemorate Christmas thinking about its Real
meaning. Christmas is not only parties
and presents. Nor new car or even encounter of families. That can and it should
happen. But Christmas is much more than all this. It is always God with us
looking for us from the Eden. Hallelujah! Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
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