quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013


Then see the message below.

My brothers and my sisters, last Tuesday I spoke at the Church about the investiture that Jesus gave to his Church to found it second Mt. 16. Today we'll talk about it later on a different mode. Let's begin our meditation from the question posed in the title of same. I think many of us we didn't know we had that guidance of Jesus about the strength of our requests. The text on the table uses an indefinite pronoun: "some" to say if we ask anything according to his will he hearth us. First you need to know that God hears us according to his will. Or be: Our demands will have to be at the center of the will of God. And that's where we're listeners. In second place is necessary to be sure that he hears us second what we ask. So we can be safe that we will be heard. We asked for something. So we are certain that we will be serviced in order. I believe that Jesus thought about it when he says that if we pray believing that we've ever had so it will be with us. Nowadays they call it we take possession of the blessing. And it is even. In the vast majority of the time we pray, but we weren't sure that we to receive what we ask. The text urges us to be safe since we know that he (God) hears us. The verb to know here has a meaning very deep, as it indicates that we are aware of right, this is insurance anyway. We need be sure to pray, that will be the way we're asking in prayer to the Lord. Psalm 37 says: "Give your way to the Lord. Trust him and the more He will do ". Usually we ask, but we don't trust. So things don't happen. My brother or my sister, if you made a request to the Lord have confidence because it's really going to happen. However it should be pointed  that will happen according to the will of God. As have been our prayers? Have been confident? If they have then stay quiet because we do receive requests that we made to the Lord. But what really caught my attention in the text was the fact we ask forgiveness for the sins of others if those sins are not to death.

Because there are sins to death and for these the text says that we should not pray.

But what would these sins to death? We are in difficulties. The Bible says that for all types of sins is no forgiveness and that only for the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit there is no forgiveness. In this case the sins, because they are plural, for death would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I did a search on what would be against the Holy Spirit and saw that is to assign to the Devil an act of God. In other words: it is God who is speaking or doing and the person says it's the devil. This it would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. In fact the context where Jesus gives that speech is the moment they are calling him Beelzebub (Boss of evil) according to Judaism. Some people think it's just the devil. But Beelzebub and evil are the same thing. In English this expression. is Badly or devil.

In Latin malum. Of course you can be regarded also as devil is the personification of evil. But let's not make theology and philosophize about this but make it clear what would this sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Without any doubt is for that kind of sin that we should not pray. But for other types. That fantastic thing! A person suffers and you and I can intercede on their behalf and that person receives forgiveness. Did you know that? That was the reason for my question in the title of this meditation. Let us think it and ask forgiveness for each other and above all for the sins of our Church, that are many during these ninety-seven years old. We can still ask forgiveness for special work that we see committing sins individually against the Church, against others or against pastors who passed or pass through here. God will forgive us and change our luck and we're going to be a great church blessed by God. Amen.

Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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