sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2014


My brothers and my sisters I want to reflect with you on the above text. But first let's look at some things. What do we do when someone errs? Well we already have a misconception of sin. We found that some kinds of sins are worse than others. And are not. Sin is sin, whatever the type. Unfortunately, I don't think so. But that's the way it is. See the text at line. Jesus receives the call "sinful woman" Really sent that such law were stoned. But those men were not interested in the law and to put Jesus in difficulties. So much so that the same punishment reserved for such women had also been reserved for men. But they were not sexist took that into consideration and only talked about women. But Jesus did not discuss these merits with them, because He knew that one would pass the test. All were sinners. So don't say anything and he start writing with his finger on the ground. Then gets up and says: the one among you who is without sin be the first to shoot stone against her. Saying that returned to writing on the ground. He got up again and  were now only he  and woman. Then Jesus asked: where are those accusers of yours? No one condemned you? The woman replied no one Lord. Jesus says even I too condemn you. Go and Sin no more.
It's still like that. We are full of sin and we judge others and those we condemn. We give up the sentence in many cases. The point is that when it comes to ourselves we are generous. Though we are strict when it comes to the other. However we must remember that God doesn't think or act like us even in the face of a sinner. To Jesus what comes first is the repentance and a contrite heart. He neither discusses the sins. Simply forgive. Not so in the story of the prodigal son? The prodigal starts making the speech that it had rehearsed and father sends her dress and put the ring on your finger re-attached Alliance.
I'm not with that condoning sin. But I'm saying that the love of God to the sinner is much larger than their sins. The Bible says "I will forgive your inequities and of them no longer remember says the Lord". The one who died on the cross beside Jesus, Dimas soon that says: "Lord, remember me when you come into your paradise" Jesus tells him: "today you will be with me in Paradise". And that's what happened. The two left that day. See Jesus did not discuss the early life of Dimas. Just saw your heart repented and forgiven immediately. Friends and dear there will be a day when Jesus will judge, but today He is our Attorney and pleads with claw our cause before the father.
Meet Jesus for me is to have full knowledge of that love and live it, practice it. In fact, the master says that the great commandment is this: Love. Love God above all and our neighbor as ourselves.
My beloved how often we let our eclesiologismo and the structures of our churches they suffocate to the love of God in our hearts. Especially us who headed the Church since the Local church until the Regional and General how many confronts a situation where love should see a law we invented. This law speaks louder than the love of Christ in our hearts. What a pity! We talk so much, but our speech gets to sound fake in front of our Act.
Brothers and sisters let us mirror in Christ. When he had to make a choice between a legal item and the person always stayed with the person and their need. And we? He did and does so because he loves people and not institutions. The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. The great love of Christ who forgives always welcomes fills our hearts and minds. Amen.
Reverend Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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