quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2014


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to meditate with you about the person of Jesus.
During many years at the beginning of the Christian church there have been many discussions around this topic. In some times were given some emphasis, but in others they were given other emphases on the person of Jesus. The question was always the same: Who is Jesus? Is man? Is Spirit? Is God? However the most frequent were: Jesus is man? Or, Jesus is God? Jesus is the mixture of two things? The Church began to perform more councils and Councils to discuss the issue and reach consensus on who would be the wonderful person of Jesus. Many Councils existed, but two featured to our Christian faith. The Nicene Council held in the city of Nicea in the year 381 AD. This came to the conclusion that Jesus was God. However I took very to assert the humanity in Jesus and some time later the church went on to affirm the deity of Christ and lost his vision of mankind or to him. This obviously led the Christian faith to a critical point and dangerous, because without being a man the propitiation of Christ would disappear and no propitiation there would be no redemption of sins, because without death there would be this remission and only the man would die. And now? How was Church? How to solve the problem? There are more councils, but not a way to solve the situation. And then there's the chalcedonic in the City Council of Chalcedon. This after many discussions came the following position which we follow until today. This happened in the year 451 AD. Here's the conclusion: Jesus is truly God and truly man. The two natures in Christ there are no one take the place of the other and at the same time don't mix (not to be confused) and not separate. So Jesus is God himself. But it's also real man. A mystery. Was born, lived, died and was resurrected. All this really happened and it wasn't just appearance. It wasn't a "make-believe". God was in Christ reconciling the world. (II Cor. 5:19) This definition of the person of Jesus placed the Church in a position that is still at the moment and I think there is no other more perfect and that better define who is Jesus Christ. I would like to return to the biblical text from the beginning of this message and the question of Jesus with the answer of Peter. Jesus asks: Who, say the men whom I am? The disciples began to ramble. Well some say that, others say that is, etc. etc. So Jesus asks: and you? Peter answer: you are the Christ the Son of God most high. Jesus then says: Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah because not the flesh and blood to revealed but my father who is in Heaven. So we concluded that to know who Jesus really is only by the revelation of God. By that theory is not possible. Only by philosophy and theology that is also not possible. But only when the Father reveals through the Holy Spirit. There are many people and many churches saying they met Jesus. But for his actions we noticed something wrong. Probably even think really know who Jesus is. But don't respond correctly the question posed by the master. Without being filled with the Holy Spirit. That God will help us to really know Jesus. As this gives us conditions to live the genuine Gospel of grace and God and respond as Peter answered; You are the son of God most high. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva

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