quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to reflect with you one more time about communion, though from a different angle.
Let's view the matter  from the point of view of being together. In our language does not appear the word together, but I know a English version that uses the word saying that is good to live together the brothers. That's the question: to  live together. But what would live together? Would only be near each other physically? Of course not. Be together can be conform to the others. You have probably seen people never agree with anything and anyone. These people actually are living around themselves. Only what they think and do, in their minds is the correct one. What other people think or do is questionable for them. I'm sure you have realized that live with people like that is very difficult. They question the guys all the time but won't admit being questioned why assume that they always are right at all. In a sense it is similar to what I said in the previous issue of this newsletter about the selfishness that ends up leading to self-centeredness. That is, the person lives only in itself and for itself. The others don't matter.
Hence the psalmist says that is good and precious when we live United (together) at the brothers. You imagine a group of people each having a distinct position on a single issue? I speak of those questions that have only one correct answer. How to stay with the group where each has an answer and insist in saying that their response is the only right answer? That the others are questionable?
But to bring it to the Church unfortunately in many cases it is no different. I met a pastor who always told the story of a church where he had passed that never managed to paint the pulpit of a color more cheerful. But the curious thing is that everybody wanted to paint the pulpit. But all times sat to plan each wanted to paint one color and wouldn't admit it another different color. Nobody opened color hand carrying in your head and each wanted the other to accept its color all the meetings ended in fights and the pulpit was never painted any color. Do you realize how the lack of unity leads to disaster? In the Church are a group. Now, it is natural that every person who composes the Group's thoughts and different positions on things. So what should be ugly and sit together and discuss a good any ideas. This discussion should be out a common denominator. That is, something which at the same time is good for everyone. Is one thing on which everyone agreed. Brothers and sisters it is being together the brothers as the psalmist tells us. And I wonder: would that make the big difference in our churches?
My appeal to all is for us actually to live together as Church of Christ that we are and as such we are a body. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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