My brothers and my sisters today I would like to meditate with you about Israel. There is much talk in Israel, but meditate a little about its significance to the world while benchmark. In fact Israel is a people of God reference with men and with the world. It's always good to remember that Jesus the Son of God
Most high was
of this people. The greatest Biblical references are of this people. The famous
Mount Zion is located in Israel, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and it is
also the Capital of the saved in eternity according to the Bible. In the vision
of revelation chapter 21 the new Jerusalem descends from heaven, prepared as a
bride to her groom. Arguably Israel is the reference of the people of God and
his relationship with these people. There is no thinking without thinking of
the God's people of Israel. We know that Jesus to return to establish his
Kingdom in this world along with his beloved Church, will touch the Mount Zion.
But would you
be questioning me: Pastor why Israel does not recognize Jesus and are still
waiting for the Messiah? Pride. These people have always been rebellious
despite being the people of God. Usually we see Israel in the hands of their
enemies because of their rebellion. Always see God questioning the Israel and
drawing attention because of their rebellion. As for the pride I would say that
Israel expected a Messiah powerful human point of view. That's because he
(Israel) was dominated by Rome and would like to see a King who came to destroy
the Romans. But the values of God and his Kingdom are others. Jesus did not come
to war in those terms. Their war is against sin and the moral decay of the
world. Jesus did not come as a Prince lying with a silver spoon and a big army
or a political and human power. Jesus was humble. Jesus was poor. Then the Jews
not accepted as the promised Messiah. But it also begins to change and many
Jews are Christians and are certain that Jesus the Nazarene is the promised
As we look to
the talk of God through the Prophet Hosea and many other more or less the same,
we see a to drive of God for having to punish Israel for their sins. Israel
sinned became idolatrous and it hurt to the Lord. Here we see maybe the
greatest punishment for Israel which was its dispersion over the world. Israel
has lived since those vanity until 1948 without a country. Lived in Pilgrim
strange lands. But as God is faithful to his promises and promised that Israel
would return and he really is back. But one more thing us draws attention in
that return. God said that in recent days Israel would return. Let's see, in recent
days. This means that since 1948 are in the time of the end. In the books of
Zephaniah, 3:20; Jeremiah 29: 14; Jeremiah 30: 3 and coming to the New
Testament in Mt. 24: 6-8 in this we read of wars and rumors of wars. The book
of Ezekiel chapters 37 to chapter 39 affirms what we're saying about the end of
time and the return of Israel to their land. What we're seeing in the old
world? There are wars? Rumors of war? Without the least doubt, Yes. So we
should keep an eye on what happens between Israel and the rest of the Arab
world, in which Israel also receives protection from the United States a great
power that is undoubtedly a work of God's hand until his people become or be
ready for the return of the Messiah because that day everyone will say including
Israel that Jesus is Lord. Every tongue will confess that. Hallelujah! Watching
and studying that I and you can be waiting for the return of Christ at any
time. Of course, in terms of history some hundreds of years is equal to
nothing. Anyway we can say that since 1948 has been a few good years and
Other things
we call to attention. But what's wrong with Israel must be taken into account
by all those studying biblical eschatology.
Dear brothers
and sisters, observing the technological development, for example, we realize
that the word of God is fulfilled which provides increased science as
announcement of the end of time. (Daniel, 12: 4). So my brothers and my sisters
all we're seeing are tips that the end time is approaching. People walking from
one side to the other as if it were always looking for new things. And they're
right. And we see in this consumerist world increased science multiplying
frighteningly. You buy a car now and in a few months he will be overtaken by
others news that arise in the market. A telephone, etc. In medicine there are
new discoveries every day. Science does not stop growing. These are all signs
of the end. And the moral decay? in all the senses, politicians, family and
even within our churches.
Brothers and
sisters are all prepared because the end is coming. But the Bible says that we
await new heavens and new Earth. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
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