quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016


My brothers and my sisters we meditate a little about it? What do you think? I think it's a good idea. We've been talking all the time about a student Church and that this work is vital to the Church of Christ. We've been talking about cells, studied about it all the time, participated in meetings and congresses of Discipleship, etc. But the questions they don't want to shut up are: we're really engaged in this work? How many lives each of us really won this year? We are winning souls for Christ? We're making a difference? We're making disciples and disciples? The work in actually picked up in all our churches? Because when we talk about that there's always someone with critical spirit and with more doubts than certainties. This is not an order of Jesus? So what's the problem? We have to do or we're out of a principle established by Christ. Dear I have noticed throughout this process that the problem is on the form. We see many churches resisting simply by the way. Know that it is necessary to make disciples and disciples, but have an early form that has already been surpassed, but don't have the guts to open her hand to adopt a new way of earning lives for Christ. The result is there. How many ancient churches without new people without young people coming, without adults committed to the Kingdom of God!
You need to realize that even though well meaning the way we have to evangelize doesn't work with more efficiency. The world has changed. The concepts have changed. The Gospel is the same, but you need to find new ways to be announced. Follow the Churches. Step safely say that the churches where Discipleship is developing with great efficiency are those churches that were already free of certain vices. Or are free churches that are either new churches that never had. In these Churches discipleship grows and lives are achieved by the grace of God. We are in the era of technology and there are people who take pride in not knowing anything about it. But do not fall on technology and neither do the old-fashioned way. Because it often is not even accepted or is very limited in a world that is so fast. Of course we can't swallow all that technology offers. But God gave us intelligence and wisdom we to filter and agree what is good. While some groups grow using other media have allergy to media and are stopped in time. Still thinking in manuscripts, typewriters and such. But the worst is not that the outdated concepts that no detach from the minds of the people. Why become new averse and prejudicially not seek new information and spend the whole time just doing reviews. But don't grow. Don't seek new lives to the Church of Christ. We are very late in the Church of the gifts and ministries because of it. Unfortunately if we walk with the slowness and lack of will that we are seeing in most of our communities, in 20 years we will be regretting the late Church of small groups to grow in membership and save lives.
Jesus commanded us to go and preach. But he also has enabled us to do so. Sent to preach, casting out demons, healing the sick, etc. Yet we are still so shy. We're afraid of launching the work of the Lord. Brothers and sisters in the Lord. He honours us. It's his work as it is also the order to go to preach the Gospel to every creature. Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. Who does not believe will be condemned. But we have to preach.
I said after that things have changed. He also said that the Gospel has not changed. I mean now that neither the human being changed. Your needs are the same. What has changed and changed a lot was the way to make people feel attracted to accept Jesus. One of those ways is the work in small groups home Discipleship.
Open hand of the old and accept the new without fear. Participate in this new way of spreading the Gospel of Christ. Small groups in homes of the families of the Church. What has happened in traditional Churches and resistant? Pastors speak, speak and appeal, appeal and nobody opens his home to it. No one takes the initiative to go into business and when they do they do so coldly. Are there. Waiting for a miracle to happen. But the miracle will be the saving of lives after hearing the word of God. The Bible says: faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. For that it is urgent to rediscover new methods and new ways of making disciples and disciples. Today we have this, which are small groups. Tomorrow will be another. God is creative, and we also need to be who is not creative loses space in dynamic of history.
Let's not think about what worked well, what didn't work anymore and do the same thing differently and more attractive now. Keep the order of Jesus and proclaim the Gospel. I would like to conclude by asking: how many reviews you did to the Church in 2015? And have already begun 2016 making them again? How many suggestions you have given to the Church to improve and grow? Have or have not? But how many people you have won for Jesus? What have you done for the growth of the Church? What were your parcels of contributions to the development of the work of God entrusted to us in this place?
Sisters and dears get out of comfort zone embrace the Lord's work. Criticise less, gave less suggestions and have more concrete actions. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva

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