quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016


My brothers and my sisters today I would like to leave recorded here in this pastoral reflection a word of warning to what I see happening in our Nation with world repercussion what cause us embarrassment in everyone. Unfortunately our political agents won't come to blushing with what's going on. The country lives the worst crisis of the last twenty-five years in its history. Unemployment reached 9.5% index November 2015 to January 2016. This is alarming and frightening. Hit our churches and our missionaries in projects that depended on financial resources, as there are many members of our churches who are unemployed. All without exception we are being sacrificed. Our country lives a crisis and political uncertainty as well as an unprecedented economic uncertainty. Inflation has returned to erode the gains that we still have. Gain that many have lost with the lack of work. We are all that they don't have information on the subject because every time we talk about something new and strange. The people get lost and don't know where the truth lies and often all comes to look fake. Are men of the law. Lawyers and magistrates fighting each other. What's worse, All are with the Brazilian Constitution in the hands, but each interprets according to their convenience. But the Constitution exists precisely to propose the opposite. Or be: do Law equal to all. But I wonder: has been? If we haven't been, then why?
In the game you don't see political party and ideology or political agents. That no longer exists.
In the morning we see a public man talking about something. At noon that same person speaks another and night speaks something even and that about the same issue, same agenda. Talk to act according to what suits them at every moment. The magistrates are criticized are charged, but also that we are without understanding each other. Each Judge says something about a similar situation. And are men of the law. I'm even scared to realize that knowing that we are, in terms of Justice, under which this class determines. As well as between the politicians each want to do you prevail in the Middle also legal. See for example: A judge a moment says it's so and so. Suddenly says that it's not like that anymore and takes a hand and send it to another. That is, from one instance to another. People get confused. But what seems clear for the Academy (training in higher education) is that even the judiciary enjoys autonomy not to act. Seems judge according to those who have nominated want the same. We see that even the Supreme Court has full autonomy to judge. Your judgment sometimes seems to be biased. Meanwhile the society that depends on both political and judicial decisions is the whole time waiting and suffering. But what would be the reason for that? Does the Pastor Jesué wants to give a lesson in politics. Don't. Of course not. This is not my specialty. But I feel as a citizen what you feel. I feel like I'm Brazilian what you feel. I see what you see as a Brazilian. Unfortunately seem to hide in their comfortable offices and the people in favor of who should work is forgotten. Society without reply.
Brothers and sisters that everything happens because of a lack of God. God is put aside. But He is the righteous Judge. It is the judgment and justice. In God there is no corporatism and or trial according to any convenience. He judges righteously. His laws are perfect and free of sinful influences affecting humankind.
The biblical text above shows how we should act. Or be, we should put the interests of others to front our. For me the big obstacle is here. Always want the opposite. Put in front of our interests. After the other. We want to always be the highlights. We and our interests are always in the foreground. So it's hard to be a Christian. I refer to the Christians in the practice of true Christianity. In Christianity the Chief is serving and not what is served.
However in the field of politics in General see the opposite. They want to be served and often want to manipulate the judiciary and do it openly and unscrupulous as if society didn't have enough intelligence to realize. All this because the other doesn't count. People, even those who claim to make public all centered in themselves. His personal interests overlap with those of the other, to the collective, to the society which represent. Forget the maxim: "all power emanates from the people and is exercised on his name". Lack the knowledge of God and his word. I urge everyone not to be apolitical, alienated. But they are active participants in politics Yes and support to those Christians and those that join in Christian politics for there make difference and take their share of contribution to our Country not only criticizing, but being a politician according to the values of the Christian faith. Review the biblical text above and reflect a lot about it.
Church, prayers for our Brazil, by our "politicians" and especially by our judges especially for our sovereign Court, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) so that we have a better Brazil, fairer and more blessed by God where their Supreme Court give answers to society and not an oligarchic group. Live like this: "each considering others above themselves". Amen?!
Reverend Jesué Francisco da Silva (theologian, with sociological and philosophical knowledge)

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