Church growth
is the theme of the moment. We have no doubt about that. But we have tried to
guide our people about what are the things that we have to do to learn to grow
with overall health. Today we will be weighing one more time about it. Let's go
to the Bible text quoted above. But following the truth. How often do we follow
the truth, but the "our truths," the text says: following the truth
in love. So we have no alternative but to follow the truth in love. In John
chapter 14: 6 we read Jesus saying: "I am the way, the truth and the life.
Nobody comes to the Father except by me". See Jesus is not one of the
truths and yes the truth. Right to work growth the Church we must look up to
Jesus. He is our prototype. Let's see how Jesus loved and forgave as welcomed
what he accepted and not accepted. Let's take a look at his life of prayer, of
communion with the Father. Let's see how Jesus reacted to the situation, how he
reacted to the temptations. Following this model for sure we're on the right
track towards the growth of the Church. "From whom the whole body fitly
and consolidated." Many times until we have some spasms of growth. But we
stopped ahead. What's the point of that? Why? Surely we misfits. The people
wants to do things according they as think not if you're right and does not
take into account what or another thinks or does. This is evidence of our
misfits. So we need to adjust. Without these arrangements each run one way and
the Church of Christ cannot get anywhere and it doesn't grow. And I'm talking
full growth in Holiness, in communion with God and the next, in love, joy
of salvation, service and numeric, coming after the financial growth. But we
have to observe this order to grow healthy. Check the sequence of text: ... By
the aid together according to fair cooperation of each part, performs his own
rise to the edification of yourself in love "aid of together. I don't know
for sure. But in our bodies we realize that there are many articulations. We
also know that without these articulations we would not have conditions for to
make movements in our body. However it is necessary that each of these
articulation to cooperate towards the body. Otherwise there will be pain and
our bodies will function poorly. It happens in our Churches. In many cases some
articulation don't assist the other causing damage to the rest of the body and
of course a body cannot increase. If you're noticing this in our midst we need
to fix soon, because we are in the process of growth and nothing can hinder it.
Finally the text mentions the word building. Building's construction. I have
always stated in my lines that make disciples is the same as building the
Kingdom of God.
Everyone wants the growth of the work. So let's take a look at this text
the word of God. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva
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