quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2014


My brothers and my sisters I want to reflect with you today once again on this verse from the Bible seeing him something else. Usually we talk about considering the other superiors, etc. etc. But today, Furthermore, I would like to talk about another thing I see in the absence of any observation of the text. In fact, whenever we have an appeal for us to behave in a manner that is implied by the idea that if we do not do as shown we will suffer the consequences. Here Paul is saying how we should behave in relation to the other. How should we consider others. This means that if we act otherwise we will not be doing things correctly and that comes at a price. But what would be the consequences and the price to be paid?

The consequences are clear and all of us can see and feel in our daily lives. Let's see. When I don't consider the other than myself is because I feel better than he. In feeling better than him I feel more capable, more wise, with more rights, owner of the first places. The price to pay is the selfishness that this produces in us. And so on. I believe that was why Jesus said one time to his disciples: When you arrive at a party not seated in the first places. Because it can happen to be taking the places of the most illustrious guests and then you will be invited by the party, to leave and occupy the places back, the last places. Of course this is vexing. But if you search the last places you can be invited by the party and come to the first places and this is Honorable. With that Jesus is telling us, look here don't think for yourselves that you are the good guys. Let others know who you are. Don't want to show, show up because it's bad. Consider the other best and most important. Let others express about you. But pastor what it, considering the other greater than ourselves? Now it is all about who's always whereas the other is better, is more important (and that of heart, as it has to be real on us) ever going to feel like the center of the things. Let's take the first places for others. Are they deserving of attention. If they cultivate the values of Christian faith will be thinking the same thing about us. So what happens? Of course. Selfishness and egotism disappear. Have you ever imagined what it lacks in society and even within the churches? Have you ever wondered how it would be nice to live in a society where those principles were observed? Yes, but this is the kind of life that the Lord Jesus expects of me and you. I'll repeat to end. A church or people to be make disciples need to live these principles pre-set in the word of God. God acts through principles. Let's exercise it? I hope so. Amen.

Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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