quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2014

PASTORAL WORD - FAITH. (Hebrew, 11: 1)

My brothers and my sisters I would like to meditate with you today about the faith. I say again because I'm sure I've done it in another context. For that I'd like to ask a few questions I have been asking myself: The Bible stories are true? Those fabulous things we read in the Bible really happened? Those men prayed and God really the answer? They heard the voice of God speaking in the air? In these my questions there are many more things I could ask. However I stop here because I know I've realized what I intend to say. The Bible also States that without faith it is impossible to please God. Tell those who get close to God should know that it exists and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11: 6). Let's see what says James, 2:17 -18. Elijah was home similar to us, subject to the same weaknesses. Prayed with insistence to which no rain for three years and six months if it didn't rain. Prayed again and it rained. Read and check it out.
Brothers and sisters my concern comes from the fact we pray, pray and nothing happens. Does nowadays things happen differently? I wonder if back then was the same way? But if it was the Red Sea would not have been opened, Elizeu wouldn't have resurrected the son of that couple, Also would not have cured the Namã, the Syrian of his leprosy, Peter wouldn't have risen that seamstress Dorcas (acts 9:36 -43) the Bible says that people put their sick on sidewalks so that at least the shadow of Peter if design on them to be healed. The Bible says that two people at the beginning of the Church, when the faithful were selling their properties and the values they deposited at the feet of the Apostles so that these routes between those who had need, Ananias and his wife lied to Pedro and Pedro revealed his lie and that such dropped dead instantly. Nowadays the own preachers lie and nothing happens to them. Where's the problem? The biblical setores are truthful or not? Well if it are then why doesn't happen anymore? Will the people today no longer need to be confronted and challenged with the word of God, as many say? Preach and say this happened in those days for spreading the faith. Yes. But today people have faith? In my vision the people nowadays have less faith than in those days. Today if you believe in a lot of lies and "things" that has nothing to do with faith. What they call faith in many cases nothing more than idolatry. And that the Bible condemns. I believe that today the world needs more of that back in those days, to see these things happen to separate true faith in God so many silly things said to be faith. But I insist: Why doesn't it? My brothers and my sisters, unfortunately I have to admit that doesn't happen because we don't have faith. Our faith is trivial, small and shallow. Jesus once said: If you have faith as a grain of mustard not only do what was done to the fig tree, but will say to this mountain: arise and throws you overboard and it will obey you. My  dear it's the smallness of our faith. Can't we stay blaming this and that to avoid the real situation which is our lack of faith? Remember the story about the woman who prayed every day for a lot that obstruct the Sun design on your House by noon to leave? One day she read in the Bible that the word of Jesus and said now I want to see if you lot won't go out. Prayed at night and early in the morning she looked and there was lot in the same place. The woman then said: you bastard. I knew you wouldn't leave. Well then why prayed? Yes my brothers and my sisters we are like this. Do not come with this excuse that the hill that Jesus was talking about were things difficult in life. Can be too. But he had a mountain before his eyes and spoke from Mount even. We need have the courage and humility to pray asking: Lord increases our faith. Because the issue is lack of faith.
When one has true faith there's no need to shout in prayers as if being in despair to be heard by a God who doesn't seem to want to hear. All you have to do is ask and listen to God. Hallelujah! Screaming Yes. But of joy and spiritual fervor. Not to talk to God. Not necessarily. He listens to our thoughts. He probe our hearts. These days so hard what we need in fact is to have faith. Faith in a God that is real. Faith in a God who is present and which can simply everything. He is Almighty. There is nothing God cannot do if you want. The only thing we have to learn is to respect the will of God. Many things that we are not of his will. So he doesn't respond at all. But God still speaks God still shows situation through revelations, God heals and it does everything it's been before. You and me just need to have faith. Not only believe that God exists, but that is active in the world that created that He is a person and that is with us and he acts and speaks to us. Amen.
Rev. Jesué Francisco da Silva.

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