sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2015


Amid so much confusion in the Evangelical festivals, many prefer to serve Christ in their own homes, thus thickening the fastest growing Church in Brazil and in the world: the without churches. His disappointment with the Church instituted meant that act as Elijah loner who got tired of swimming against the tide of corruption that wiped about Israel, planning to finish his days confined in a cave. What he didn't know was that God had preserved seven thousand pairs of knees not buckled Baal.
Just visit any of the thousands of blogs that populate the Christian blogosphere to make sure that there is still hope. The blogosphere has become a huge virtual congregation. People from all sectors of the Christian Church has the freedom to expose his displeasure with the way the Church has taken.
As a pastor, I worry about those who simply gave up congregate and feed only what is posted in our blogs. We need much more than that. We need to build solid relationships, submitting to a mature leadership and supported in Word, send our children to a healthy environment, feel belonging to a spiritual family, and even, to contribute financially to projects for the glory of God and the common good.
There arise some relevant issues:
We could gather in a church that we weren't able to recommend to others? We'd feel embarrassed and uncomfortable to bring our friends and relatives to a cult?
What kind of Church would provide a safe and healthy environment for the our children? That Church could help us in the formation of their character without meddling in domestic affairs and private, and without exposing our authority as parents? There are churches where the pastor finds himself the right to establish rules in their homes congregated. Kids grow up without knowing whether you should honor your parents or obey blindly their spiritual leaders. Imagine a pastor who demands to be called "father", or be treated as such. Or: the discomfort of a father whose authority is rivaled by the pastoral authority.
What kind of leadership we should submit? A pastor who is not backed by his own family (parents, brothers, children, wife, etc.), would be able to mentor other families? And when they all realize that between him and his wife no love? You submit a pastor whose marriage was nothing but a scam? What kind of treatment he gives to children? The pastoral family must be reference. I'm not saying it should be perfect, but at least healthy.
It would be wise to submit us a leadership susceptible to all kinds of doctrinal fad? Today he preaches one thing, but another totally different tomorrow? It would be wise to submit us emotionally unbalanced leadership? As our pastors react to a crisis? How they react when they are praised. And when they are criticized. Tend to bring problems to the pulpit, or vice versa? Like to appeal to the action only Like to make people dependent on them?
It would be wise to submit us the unethical leadership? Who supports a pastor who only knows how to speak ill of those who came before them? You submit to a pastor who even knows how to be grateful to who instituted? And more: who he? Who are your friends? Who attends your House? I'm not talking about his friendship with non-Christian people, and the friendship with false Christians, wolves departed in the middle of the herd to cause you harm.
How to welcome people who come to church? Give the same treatment regardless of social position. Despise the veterans to give greater attention to beginners? How are treated the elders? Remember that one day you will be too.
What about the contributions? It would be wise to contribute in a church where the leadership is lavish. Correct the pastor do appointments greater than those the Church can afford and then to escape the brothers at the time of the offers? As the offers are requested? There's a lot of appeal, manipulation and psychological pressure? And how they are administered. Whom the pastor accountable? There is an instance above it? What enters the Church is used exclusively there or part is aimed at missionaries work? There are relevant social projects? That result these projects have achieved?
Is it okay to use the money from the Church to pay appearance fees the singers and bands invited?
And if the pastor eventually slip up serious, such as adultery or theft, who can to admonish him or even punish him?
As the Church deals with political issues? It is true the leadership point in who the members should vote? Correct lead candidates for the pulpit and assign them the word? There is some awareness for people to exercise their citizenship fully, without interference?
What are the criteria used by the pastor to give in his pulpit to another preacher?
Look at the people around you, especially for that came before you and ask yourself: They are better people than they were years ago? People who congregate there are maturing in the faith? Remember: they can be you tomorrow.
What about service? You can see the presence of God in that place? There is reverence or simply hyping? People who attend are really interested in Word or only show up when there's some event or special guest?
These are just a few issues that need to be considered. If you have any other questions also relevant, please post in your comment.
What we can't give up on the Church of Christ, be gathered of formal or informal way. It is not enough to criticize, urge find way out to rescue her from this calamitous state you arrived. Amen.

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